CGCOF y SEFF potenciarán el rol del farmacéutico como experto del medicamento

Los peligros de ingerir un medicamento para adelgazar falso: "No sabes lo que te estás tomando"

Cofepris alerta sobre falsificación de hormona para el crecimiento

FDA alerts health care professionals, compounders and patients of potential safety risks associated with sulfite-containing compounded drugs

Weight-loss patients warned of counterfeit Ozempic as dupes popular of drug proliferate

Cataluña activa una campaña para reducir el uso inadecuado de determinados fármacos

Aumentó el consumo de medicamentos para adelgazar entre los adolescentes en EEUU

Pharmacovigilance in Vaccines: Importance, Main Aspects, Perspectives, and Challenges—A Narrative Review

Improving medication safety in both adults and children: what will it take?

Pharmacovigilance in Pregnancy Studies, Exposures and Outcomes Ascertainment, and Findings from Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review

Rethinking counterfeit medical supply chains: A critical review of the current literature

Omeprazole and Risk of Hypertension: Analysis of Existing Literature and the WHO Global Pharmacovigilance Database

Improving the Integrity of Pharmaceutical Serialization with Enterprise Technologies

Pharmacovigilance in Pregnancy Studies, Exposures and Outcomes Ascertainment, and Findings from Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review

The maternal drug exposure birth cohort (DEBC) in China

The use of Electronic Health Record Monitoring for the Pharmacovigilance of Medicinal Cannabis.

Critical Appraisal and Future Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Anticancer Drug Development

Predicting Drugs Suspected of Causing Adverse Drug Reactions Using Graph Features and Attention Mechanisms

EU actions to tackle shortages of GLP-1 receptor agonists

Acute Sore Throat in Primary Care: When to Reach for the Antibiotics

Comprehensive signal detection of delirium-associated medication using the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System

Enhancing efficiency in emergency drug inspection through machine learning and non-destructive spectroscopy

Comparison of the efficacy and safety of SCD411 and reference aflibercept in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration

Fact-Finding Survey and Exploration of Preventive Drugs for Antineoplastic Drug-Induced Oral Mucositis Using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report Database

Development of in-silico drug cardiac toxicity evaluation system with consideration of inter-individual variability

5 Tips for Spotting Fake Ozempic

World Health Organization warns of fake versions of Ozempic

Pathological and pharmacovigilance monitoring as toxicological imputations of azithromycin and its residues in broilers

La Justicia resolvió que los medicamentos sólo se podrán comprar en farmacias

Pharmacovigilance: A Cauldron of Old and New

Monitoring Adverse Drug Events in Web Forums: Evaluation of a Pipeline and Use Case Study

Identification of Pregnancy Adverse Drug Reactions in Pharmacovigilance Reporting Systems: A Novel Algorithm Developed in EudraVigilance

Alertan sobre falsificación de medicamentos para perder peso

La OMS emite una alerta de falsificación del medicamento para la diabetes y la obesidad, Ozempic

UN health agency issues alert on falsified semaglutides used for diabetes treatment, weight loss

A polygenic risk score for the QT interval is an independent predictor of drug-induced QT prolongation

Antibiotic dispensing practices among informal healthcare providers in low-income and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol

Doses Evaluated in Clinical Pharmacology Studies Investigating the Effect of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors on PK and Safety: Case Examples from Approved Drug Development Programs

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Linezolid in Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: Clinical Factors and Hematological Toxicities

'They're entering pharmacies': How counterfeit Ozempic entered the 'legitimate drug supply'

Antidepressants and fetal death: A systematic review and disproportionality analysis in the WHO Safety Database (VigiBase®)

Safety assessment of dapagliflozin: Real-world adverse event analysis based on the FAERS database from 2012 to 2023

Cofepris alerta sobre falsificación y comercialización ilegal de cinco medicamentos oncológicos

Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Primary Care in Switzerland

Antihypertensives Might Explain Some Older Adults’ New Eczema Diagnoses

Registro nacional y análisis de intervenciones farmacéuticas en unidades de cuidados críticos: estudio FARMACRITIC


Public interest in drug-related problems reflected in information search trends: an infodemiological study

How to mitigate the risks of deployment of artificial intelligence in medicine?

New Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator Could Eliminate the Need for Statins for Millions

Stability indicating RP-HPLC-UV method for quantitative estimation of isomer and other organic impurities of atopic dermatitis drug abrocitinib in drug substance and pharmaceutical dosage form using quality by design (QbD) approach

Safety Risks Beyond the Pharmacy Walls

Defensoría pide al Gobierno observar ley sobre acceso a medicamentos para enfermedades raras

A Natural Language Processing Framework for Detecting Adverse Drug Reactions in Clinical Structured Drug Reviews

DIAN incautó más de 15 mil medicamentos adulterados que eran comercializados

El fentanilo ni está ni se le espera en España: por qué los expertos descartan una crisis de este opiáceo en nuestro país

Addiction Medicine in America: Its Birth, Early History, and Current Status (1750-2022)

El PRAN lanza un sistema de evaluación de la calidad para los Programas de Optimización del Uso de Antibióticos: CertificaPROA

¿Cuáles son los pasos a seguir si se notifican efectos adversos en un medicamento veterinario?

WHO issues warning on falsified medicines used for diabetes treatment and weight loss

Global alert issued over fake Ozempic drugs – WHO

Eli Lilly issues warning about potentially counterfeit weight loss drugs

Bridging the Gap in Drug Safety Data Analysis: Large Language Models for SQL Query Generation

Variation of adverse drug events in different settings in Africa: a systematic review

New pregnancy prevention measures introduced for topiramate

How to Improve Medication Adherence Within the Pharmacy

Caregiver Burden, Resilience, and Wellbeing in Cases of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions

Rare Clinically Significant Idiosyncratic Drug Induced Liver Injury Caused by Low Dose Atorvastatin: Time for a New Approach to Surveillance and Risk Identification

Shorter TB treatment regimen shown to be safe and effective in operational research led by WHO

Faster access to clinical trial information in Europe

More on Using Expired Medications

Good distribution practices (GDP) of pharmaceutical products

Navarra alcanza ya las 45 oficinas de farmacia implicadas en la red centinela

“La farmacovigilancia debe ser una tarea de todos”: especialistas

Nanotechnology in medicine revolutionizing drug delivery for cancer and viral infection treatments

Artificial intelligence for drug repurposing against infectious diseases

Boletín sobre Seguridad de Medicamentos de Uso Humano. Abril de 2024

Drug–Drug Interactions and Their Association with Adverse Health Outcomes in the Older Community-Dwelling Population: A Prospective Cohort Study

New data from EFPIA reveals multiple factors leading to unequal access to medicines for patients across Europe

A retrospective pharmacovigilance study of post-marketing safety concerns with cefuroxime

Counterfeit Pills Laced with Fentanyl Get Burgaw Man 16.5 Years in Prison

A pharmacovigilance study of FDA adverse events for sugammadex

FDA issues agency-initiated proposed order regarding OTC monograph drugs containing acetaminophen

Unease as US drug agency weighs its use of independent scientists

La EMA estudia posibles neoplasias malignas tras un CAR-T en uno de cada 1.000 pacientes

Medicamentos falsos: La clave está en la prevención y la vigilancia, Pfizer

The Balance Between Drug Safety and Availability

13 Medications You Should Avoid While Pregnant

Review of painkiller metamizole started

La EMA inicia una evaluación sobre el uso de metamizol y el riesgo de agranulocitosis

Accordance of Registered Drug Packages with Guideline-Recommended Treatment Durations for Community-Acquired Pneumonia—A New Antibiotic Stewardship Target?

The Impact on the Quality of Life of Patients with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis–Brief Review

Epidemiology of adverse events related to sports among community people: a scoping review

Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Outpatient Staphylococcus aureus Isolates

The Tyranny of Beta-Blockers

Lack of selection of antimalarial drug resistance markers after intermittent preventive treatment of schoolchildren (IPTsc) against malaria in northeastern Tanzania

Medication conciliation to prevent epilepsy crisis and adverse drug reactions during pregnancy: An emergency case report

APhA statement on Supreme Court decision preserving patient access to crucial medications

A real-world pharmacovigilance study on cardiovascular adverse events of tisagenlecleucel using machine learning approach


WHO releases report on state of development of antibacterials

Metronidazole-Induced Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Syndrome With Parvovirus B19 Reactivation: A Pediatric Case

Dangers of Counterfeit Diabetes Weight Loss Drugs

Salud emite alerta sanitaria a medicamento Misoprostol de venta por páginas de internet

A Real-World Safety Profile in Neurological, Skin, and Sexual disorders of Antiepileptic Drugs Using Pharmacovigilance Database of the Korea Adverse Event Reporting System (KAERS)

Drug use in pregnancy: A review

Perspectives on Animal Experimentation in Herbal Medicine Research: Ethical Dilemmas and Scientific Progress

Visible particles in parenteral drug products: A review of current safety assessment practice

Researchers explore the safety, efficacy and bioactivity of herbal medicines

Corte Suprema de EU anula decisión que restringe el acceso a la píldora abortiva mifepristona

A real-world pharmacovigilance study on cardiovascular adverse events of tisagenlecleucel using machine learning approach

The challenges associated with the prevention of smuggling and counterfeiting health goods in Iran

A prospective, single-centre study of the feasibility of the use of augmented reality for improving the safety and traceability of injectable investigational cancer drug compounding

La red oscura que las multinacionales farmacéuticas ocultan tras los pagos a profesionales sanitarios: sus líderes de opinión en el SNS y su red de intereses al descubierto

Casi 92.000 médicos españoles reciben ‘detalles’ de las farmacéuticas: uno solo se llevó 146.397 euros

Prediction of adverse drug reactions due to genetic predisposition using deep neural networks

Farmacéuticos en la pandemia: claves en atención, gestión y educación sanitaria

Los farmacéuticos europeos reclaman nuevas medidas para hacer frente a los problemas de suministro de medicamentos

DAS-DDI: A dual-view framework with drug association and drug structure for drug-drug interaction prediction

Drug Shortages Are Killing Our Patients

La app móvil 'Tramed' reduce los errores en la administración de medicación a personas mayores en las residencias

Tirzepatide Woes: Pancreatitis Strikes, Raising Alarm Among Some Doctors

Advances in Modeling Approaches for Oral Drug Delivery: Artificial Intelligence, Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic, and First-Principal Models

Safely Doing Less in Pediatrics and Pediatric Hospital

Uptake, effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines in individuals at clinical risk due to immunosuppressive drug therapy or transplantation procedures: a population-based cohort study in England

Pharmacists to be central in delivery of campaign to cut prescribing of high-risk pain medicines

Using 'IA' Improves Medication Safety, Quality of Care

Illegal Ozempic shipments are coming into US, says CBP

Cofepris alerta por el robo y falsificación de medicamento

Cofepris protege la salud de la población mediante alerta sobre falsificación y robo de medicamento con complejo B

The Bibliometric and Visualized Analysis of Research for Hospital Medication Management Based on the Web of Science Database

Uptake, effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines in individuals at clinical risk due to immunosuppressive drug therapy or transplantation procedures: a population-based cohort study in England

Safety vs Efficacy: What AD Treatments Can Be Used in Pediatric Patients?

Impacto de la pandemia de covid-19 en la comunicación científica

On the role of digital tools in nitrosamine risk assessment for drug substance and drug product manufacturing processes

Smart Drug Delivery in Anesthesia: A Need or an Option?

Medication errors- the elephant in the room

Mapping the Counterfeit and Diversion Epidemic in the Pharmaceutical Industry

El Departamento de Salud y las farmacias de Euskadi crean una Red Centinela Vasca para vigilar la seguridad de los medicamentos

Outcome and Adverse Drug Reactions of Shorter Versus Longer Regimen of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment in a Tertiary Care Respiratory Centre.

Teva lanza ‘Medi’, el asistente virtual que facilita la comprensión de los prospectos

How disinformation and fake news impact public policies?: A review of international literature

The Association Between Antidepressant Use and Drug-Induced Liver Injury: A Nationwide, Population-Based Case–Control Study in Taiwan


Por un reto viral en redes sociales: diez menores se intoxicaron al consumir mezcla de medicamentos

Have We Over-Medicalised Menopause?

Carlos García-Fajardo, dentista: «El 85 % de los antibióticos recetados en odontología son prescindibles»

Prescribed Drug Use and Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Incidence. A Drug-Wide Association Study

A Prospective Study of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Illicit Drug Use in Adulthood

Precision-guided treatment in high-risk pediatric cancers

Trust but Verify: Lessons Learned for the Application of AI to Case-Based Clinical Decision-Making From Postmarketing Drug Safety Assessment at the US Food and Drug Administration

Uso y abuso de la pregabalina: historia de un medicamento superventas

Millions of fake Xanax pills made in sheds – trial

La FDA advierte a los fabricantes sobre los posibles riesgos de medicamentos que contienen sulfitos

Impact of the economic crisis and drug shortage on Lebanese cancer patients’ care

Advancing personalized medicine in neurodegenerative diseases: The role of epigenetics and pharmacoepigenomics in pharmacotherapy

¿Cuál es la importancia de notificar los acontecimientos adversos de medicamentos veterinarios?

Leveraging Technology For Patient Safety: The Role Of Knowledge Management In Healthcare

Active surveillance of immunization adverse effects: a multicentre, open-label, three-arm randomized uncontrolled trial in Ethiopia

Delays to Antibiotics in the Emergency Department and Risk of Mortality in Children With Sepsis

Medicine or plain chalk? Drugmakers warn of bogus drugs in market

Over-the-Counter Arthritis Supplements Pose Adrenal Danger

New Administration Routes for Adrenaline in Anaphylaxis

A pharmacovigilance study of drug-reduced male semen quality based on the Food and Drug Administration adverse event reporting system database

FDA Panel Rejects MDMA Drug for PTSD

Cinfa cambia el color de la caja de Lorazepam después de que una mujer lo confundiese con pastillas de alergia, pero ahora se parece a otro medicamento

Dangerous deception:The urgent need to fight counterfeit drugs

Valproate Use During Spermatogenesis and Risk to Offspring

Pharmaceuticals: Management Safety of Circulation of Drugs

Sequential FDR and pFDR control under arbitrary dependence, with application to pharmacovigilance database monitoring

Key Opinion Leaders’ Interviews to Inform the Future of Benefit–Risk Planning in the Medical Total Product Life Cycle of Global Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Organizations

Adverse events of herbal decoction: a systematic review and meta-analysis over past 10 years

Why Counterfeit Ozempic Is a Global-Growth Industry

Pediatric Weight is Crucial to Perfecting the Dose

Substances in Counterfeit Prescription Pills Seized by Law Enforcement, 2017-2022

From pill to pain: Alendronate‐induced esophageal injury—A case report and review

FDA: 6 widely used OTC drugs faked, sold publicly


A Drug's Life: The Untapped Potential of Secondary Pharmacology Studies in Drug Development

Unraveling a Recurrent Wrong Drug-Wrong Route Error— Tranexamic Acid in Place of Bupivacaine: A Multistakeholder Approach to Addressing this Important Patient Safety Issue


Asia-Pacific Roundup: India revises pharmacovigilance guidance for vaccines

The Role of Pharmacogenomics in Personalized Medicine: Historical Context, Principles, Applications, and Future Challenges

A novel doxorubicin/CTLA-4 blocker co-loaded drug delivery system improves efficacy and safety in antitumor therapy

Si todos somos distintos, ¿por qué a todos nos recetan paracetamol?

New Gene Tests Can Predict if a Drug Will Work for a Patient

Elucidating the Mechanisms Underlying Interindividual Differences in the Onset of Adverse Drug Reactions

Investigation of Medication Reviews and the Identification of Adverse Drug Reactions using Machine Learning Algorithms

Antibiotics in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Risk for Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis

Antihypertensive Medications and Eczematous Dermatitis in Older Adults

A cross- sectional study to assess medication safety, knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding nutrition and medication among pregnant women

Expertos piden regular el diseño de las cajas de medicamentos: "Para una persona no profesional le puede llevar a error"

Pharmacovigilance during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era in Morocco

‘Unnoticed previously,’ hospital medication errors are more common in older children

Profesionales de la industria farmacéutica se forman en el Código de conducta regulador del tratamiento de datos personales, pionero en Europa

Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in drug discovery and development

Clinical Features and Risk Factors for Drug-Induced Liver Injury: A Retrospective Study From China

Safety assessments and clinical features of PARP inhibitors from real-world data of Japanese patients with ovarian cancer

The Strategic Role of Medical Affairs Department in a Pharmaceutical Company

These are the recalls in Canada this week

ICF helps FDA accelerate the drug labeling review process with AWS machine learning

Sélection de variables en grande dimension par le Lasso et tests statistiques - application à la pharmacovigilance

Immunosuppressant drug-associated skin cancer: A real-world pharmacovigilance database analysis.

Repurposing of drugs against bacterial infections: A pharmacovigilance-based data mining approach