Los sanitarios de Madrid lanzan una campaña sobre la seguridad de los medicamentos con receta

MMR vaccine and autism: Combating misinformation on vaccinations

SPOTLIGHT: Meet Adebayo Alonge, the pharmacist fighting fake drugs with deep tech

Mercado negro de medicamentos, negocio de 11 mil 500 mdp al año

Mercado ilegal de medicamentos prolifera en CDMX

Llama diputada local a combatir venta ilegal de medicamentos

Contrabando y falsificaciones, medicamentos duros de ‘tragar’

La falsificación de medicamentos se combatirá con el Código Datamatrix, un ‘DNI’ para cada envase

Medicamentos Genéricos Deberán Demostrar Seguridad Y Eficacia Desde Este Mes.

Why Pharmapack is going from strength to strength

Pharmacists like e-prescribing safety features but still worry over medication errors, study finds

167k FMD-compliant medicines dispensed, but false alerts continue

Detecting Good Drugs from Counterfeit Drugs

This startup built a device to figure out if prescription drugs are fake

Colloidal silver: Does it work and is it safe?

Acusan a Google de beneficiarse con publicidad de medicamentos falsos contra la demencia

Evaluation of Machine-Learning Algorithms for Predicting Opioid Overdose Risk Among Medicare Beneficiaries With Opioid Prescriptions

En tres años los medicamentos más usados subieron más del 300%

La píldora anticonceptiva masculina pasa las pruebas de seguridad

Sanidad aborda con administraciones sanitarias, profesionales, pacientes e industria nuevas medidas para garantizar el abastecimiento de medicamentos

Detección en el mercado turco de unidades falsificadas del kit de accesorios para nebulizador de la empresa Hangzhou Medtec Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

Ubica FGR puntos de robo y mercado negro de medicamentos

Does Medicine Really Expire?

Invima pide que no haya penas domiciliarias para falsificadores de medicamentos

Morena en el Senado irá contra robo y falsificación de medicamentos

Medicamentos online ¿Sabes lo que compras?

Revalidan las técnicas actuales para predecir la resistencia al tratamiento en cáncer colorrectal metastásico

Avances frente a la cardiotoxicidad derivada de la quimioterapia

Médicos, dentistas, podólogos y farmacéuticos crean un sistema para evitar la falsificación de recetas privadas

Implicados en cartel de los fármacos en Ibagué aceptan cargos

El IVO, primer hospital de la Comunitat acreditado para preparar medicamentos

French pharmacies to dispense without prescription

FDA chief calls for stricter scrutiny of electronic health records

JAMA viewpoint: Physicians' trust in one another is a care safety and quality issue

Las farmacias centinela de la región han detectado más de 950 problemas con fármacos

La oficina de farmacia, clave en las labores de Farmacovigilancia

Los medicamentos falsos suponen una pandemia ignorada que mata a 250.000 niños al año

Un estudio señala que la seguridad en la anestesia equina puede mejorar

Illicit Fentanyl Deaths Rising at ‘Exponential Rate’

PR: Medios AG introduces new analytical method for identifying counterfeit drugs

New technique could help combat counterfeit drugs and food

Study: Certain ADHD Medications May Increase the Risk of Psychosis

ADHD patients on amphetamines like Adderall might be at greater risk of psychosis, research finds

Can we import improvements from industry to healthcare?

Sanidad alerta de casos graves de hipercalcemia en niños y adultos por dosis excesivas de vitamina D

Spurious drug case scares Peshawar hospital staff

New method spots counterfeit food and medicine for cheap, by filming how it freezes

Nigeria's Adebayo Alonge wins tech award for inventing nanoscanners that can detect fake drugs

Seeing through food and drug fakes and frauds

Anti-Counterfeit Initiatives

Argentina Dismantles Pill Ring That Sold Opioids To US Customers

Colorado wants to import prescription drugs from Canada. How it could work, and why it may not.

Las otras investigaciones que se derivaron de Fundasalud IPS

Alerta por el aumento de los productos falsificados

Florida should steer clear of drug importation | Opinion

Medicinal cannabis: 'Patients still in limbo'

Virtual cleanroom could increase safety, minimize risks, reduce education costs for pharmaceutical professionals

Drug Counterfeiting Comes to the U.S.

UAE government considers tough new laws to tackle scourge of fake medicine

Three further batches of blood pressure and heart medication recalled from pharmacies

Contrabando de medicamentos que llega a Colombia proviene principalmente de Venezuela y Ecuador

European Union: Suspension Of Fenspiride Medicines Due To Potential Risk Of Heart Rhythm Problems

New Batch of MHRA No-Deal Brexit Guidance for Drugs, Devices

Evaluation to improve the quality of medication preparation and administration in pediatric and adult intensive care units

With so much choice, how do you choose which online pharmacy to trust?

Q&A: Fake, substandard drugs place tens of thousands of kids in danger

La millonaria suma que la Policía ha incautado en medicamentos irregulares

Trends and Patterns of Geographic Variation in Opioid Prescribing Practices by State, United States, 2006-2017

Paediatrician under radar for selling counterfeit vaccine

Drug safety fears as common anti-depressant sertraline linked to heart problems and two deaths

NHS drug blunders resulted in 66 patients being given ‘fatal’ doses in just one year

Will blockchain rid Africa of the menace of fake pharmaceuticals?

Stopping the scourge of social media misinformation on vaccines

Detienen a 3 personas con más de 3 mil 600 pastillas de medicamento en Michoacán

Kenya Steps Up Efforts to Fight the Global Fake Drugs Menace

30,000 fentanyl pills seized in Arizona drug bust

Niger sounds alarm over 'fake' meningitis vaccine

Medicamentos truchos están matando a miles de niños en todo el mundo

El peligroso mundo de los medicamentos falsificados

1600 booked for selling unregistered drugs

New NDA lab to tackle counterfeit, substandard drugs

Medicinal cannabis requires further clinical research and educational support

Statement by FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on new strategies to modernize clinical trials to advance precision medicine, patient protections and more efficient product development

Every 10 minutes a child goes to the ER for medicine poisoning, report finds

Descubren que medicamentos contienen ingredientes innecesarios y dañinos

Robo de medicamentos en México

Kenya steps up efforts to fight the global fake drugs menace

Cuidado, los ingredientes inactivos de las pastillas pueden causar reacciones alérgicas

Fakes make up half of trafficked drugs in 2018 EU op

People are trying to get hold of drugs by handing in fake prescriptions at south Manchester pharmacies

Derechohabientes del IMSS denuncian falta de pruebas de calidad en medicamentos contra VIH

Share with Caution: How Social Media Fuels Moral Panic over Drug Use

A young child goes to the ER for medicine poisoning every 10 minutes. Here's why

Los medicamentos falsos ocasionan la muerte de miles de niños

Utilización de medicamentos opioides en España durante el periodo 2010-2017

Utilización de medicamentos antiagregantes y anticoagulantes en España durante el periodo 2010-2017

What Pharmacists Should Know About Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Big pharma must work with law enforcement and government to curb the trade in smuggled and counterfeit medicines

“Pandemia” global de drogas falsas está matando a niños en todo el mundo, según un informe

Los medicamentos falsificados matan a 250.000 niños cada año

Fake drugs kill more than 250,000 children a year, doctors warn

Global 'pandemic' of fake drugs killing children worldwide, report says

El magnesio favorece la supervivencia de las bacterias a ciertos antibióticos

Abortions by mail: the FDA is going after online pill providers

Report takes stock of child death toll from fake meds

Majority of the public don’t know if their medicine is safe

Explore the Falsified Medicines Directive and tamper-proof pharmaceutical packaging

Researchers demand action to combat fake drugs production and sale

Pregnant pause: Is that drug safe for baby?

Mobile app identifies approved medicines, drugstores

Pharmaceuticals in the environment: Commission defines actions to address risks and challenges

La Agencia del Medicamento avisa: el segundo fármaco más vendido en España tiene problemas de suministro

The Amazon effect

Are Unisom and vitamin B-6 safe during pregnancy?

Public unaware of how to verify legitimacy of online pharmacies, survey finds

Taking a systems approach to improve patient safety

Turkey: Pharmacovigilance In Turkey

Authorities bust drug manufacturing operation suspected of producing fentanyl

Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on FDA’s steps on naming of biological medicines to balance competition and safety for patients receiving these products

SAP blockchain service helps fight counterfeit drugs

El Sescam expone ante la UE su guía para proteger ante fármacos peligrosos

La OMS y Europa, a favor del enfoque 'One Health'

Sanidad regulará el comercio paralelo de medicamentos veterinarios

No link found between MMR vaccine and autism, even among children with other risk factors for autism

Aseguran cargamento de medicamentos controlados en Morelia

Estudio de seguridad revela el riesgo de coágulos de sangre en los pulmones y muerte con una dosis más alta de tofacitinib (Xeljanz, Xeljanz XR) en pacientes con artritis reumatoide; la FDA investigará

Novartis demanda a Johnson & Johnson en su lucha contra la psoriasis

FDA issues a safety alert after confirming asbestos in two brands of girls’ cosmetics

Nigeria losing war against fake drugs – Experts

Mal uso de medicamentos tanto en México como en EE.UU.

Una nueva forma de controlar el precio de los medicamentos en Colombia

España y Rusia se alían para luchar contra la falsificación de medicamentos

Study: Acne drug Accutane may not depress mood

Detectan distribución de Oxicodona pirate

MOU aims to improve cardiovascular safety of pharmaceuticals

Recognizing fake medical ‘news’ before it becomes lethal

El paradigma del ‘Sevem’

How fake medical products endanger lives

Denunciarán tranzas en compra venta de medicinas en gobierno de EPN

Denuncian red por anomalías en Fiscalía, Salud y Pensiones

Fake Xanax “easily” bought on Facebook in UK

FDA warns Canadian company about distributing 'potentially dangerous' drugs in US

QR code drug packaging may become mandatory in India

Drug importation, not in the interest of Nigerians – SKG boss

WHO says fake cancer drug Iclusig has been “traded globally”

Paper Test Spots Fake, Degraded Pharmaceuticals

FDA warns CanaRx for selling unapproved, misbranded and unsafe imported drugs to unsuspecting Americans

Integrated Adherence Monitoring for Inhaler Medications

El Consejo Interterritorial aprueba el Plan Nacional Frente a la Resistencia a los Antibióticos 2019-2021

Treatment Effects in Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trials