Advierten que un antiepiléptico de uso frecuente puede producir malformaciones en el embarazo

Best-Practice Prescribing and Drug Diversion Training for West Virginia Nurses (1 Hour)

“They say it’s fentanyl, but they honestly look like Perc 30s”: Initiation and use of counterfeit fentanyl pills

Guía de Práctica Farmacéutica en Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal

Aprende un poco más sobre el hígado: por qué debemos tener cuidado con la toma de medicamentos

Exposure to Intrapartum Epidural Analgesia and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Offspring

Wide Availability of Naloxone Could Combat Overdoses

Liver Injury with Nintedanib: A Pharmacovigilance–Pharmacokinetic Appraisal

Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de farmacovigilancia en el contexto de la COVID-19 en profesionales de la salud del Seguro Social del Perú

Antimicrobial use data reporting per animal categories (numerator)

15º Informe de Farmacovigilancia sobre Vacunas COVID-19

EMA Medical Terms Simplifier

Working together to fight antibiotic resistance

Tratamiento de los trastornos relacionados con el mal uso de sustancias

Proposal of a Quality Assessment tool for the Evaluation of the Methodological Quality of Self-Controlled Case Series and Self-Controlled Risk Interval Study Designs

Nuevo efecto secundario detectado por vacunas covid: vejiga hiperactiva

Governance of nutrivigilance in the Netherlands: Reporting adverse events of non-registered products

A Disproportionality Analysis for Association of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome with COVID-19 Vaccination Using the World Health Organization Pharmacovigilance Database

Methodological approaches for medication error analyses in patient safety and pharmacovigilance reporting systems: a scoping review protocol

FDA data highlights continuing threat from fake meds; study

What to know about cocaine and ADHD

US FDA Urges Drug Manufacturers to Develop Risk Management Plans to Promote a Stronger, Resilient Drug Supply Chain

Redefining “Misinformation,”“Disinformation,” and “Fake News”: Using Social Science Research to Form an Interdisciplinary Model of Online Limited Forums on Social Media Platforms

Prescription for COVID-19 by non-medical professionals during the pandemic in Colombia: a cross-sectional study

El comisionado de la FDA describe condiciones insalubres en la fábrica de fórmula para bebés de Abbot

Cese de utilización y retirada del mercado de varios lotes de la solución oftálmica Ectodol®

Dangerous counterfeit drugs are putting millions of US consumers at risk, according to a new study

Drogas legales: una plaga silenciosa

Using Social Determinants of Health for Improving Medication Safety, Appropriate Use

Common prostate cancer medications may be less safe than previously thought

How automatization keeps drug safety in war-torn Ukraine

Lawmakers grill U.S. FDA on response to Abbott baby formula safety

Common prostate cancer medications may be less safe than previously thought

Pfizer venderá medicamentos a precios no lucrativos en países pobres

"Llevar un medicamento al mercado es como encontrar una aguja en un pajar"

Acceptability of the short message service (SMS) as a tool for malaria treatment adherence in the Brazilian Amazon: a qualitative study

Regulatory Evaluation of Biosimilars: Refinement of Principles Based on the Scientific Evidence and Clinical Experience

Diabetes de tipo 1: luces (mayor y mejor control glucémico) y sombras (problemas de accesibilidad) de las nuevas insulinas "inteligentes"

Safety of Short-Term Treatments with Oral Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in Patients with and without COVID-19: A Systematic Review

Applying Artificial Intelligence to create risk stratification visualization for underserved patients to improve population health in a community health setting

Developing and validating a machine-learning algorithm to predict opioid overdose in Medicaid beneficiaries in two US states: a prognostic modelling study

Opportunities for opioid overdose prediction: building a population health approach

Turning the tide on the opioid crisis

Development and multimodal validation of a substance misuse algorithm for referral to treatment using artificial intelligence (SMART-AI): a retrospective deep learning study

A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices among Healthcare Professionals Regarding the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring and Reporting at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

Terapia antirresortiva con denosumab presenta mayor riesgo de osteonecrosis

A Probe into the Counterfeiting of Academic Journals from Multiple Player Perspective

MHRA seeking views on the safety of sodium valproate prescribing

Safety & Efficacy of Rapid Drug Desensitization (RDD) in Children

Cefuroxime hypersensitivity leading to myocardial ischaemia

Synchron Research Service: suspension of medicines over flawed studies

Defining And Improving Data Quality In Pharmacovigilance: A Step Towards Generating Robust Evidence

Association of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: A Disproportionality Analysis of the World Health Organization Pharmacovigilance Database

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion is associated with different proton pump inhibitor use: a pharmacovigilance study

Evaluating the feasibility of a real world pharmacovigilance study (OPTIMISE:MS)

CTX-M-producing Escherichia coli strains: resistance to temocillin, fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin and biofilm formation

Uso de anticonceptivos: Conoce las medidas que adoptó el gobierno para mejorar su seguridad

Artificial Intelligence Based on Machine Learning in Pharmacovigilance: A Scoping Review

Prevención de errores de medicación en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos de adultos, pediátricas y neonatales en España

Automated Drug Coding Using Artificial Intelligence: An Evaluation of WHODrug Koda on Adverse Event Reports

Artificial Intelligence-Based Pharmacovigilance in the Setting of Limited Resources

“Artificial Intelligence” for Pharmacovigilance: Ready for Prime Time?

Intelligent Telehealth in Pharmacovigilance: A Future Perspective

Machine Learning in Causal Inference: Application in Pharmacovigilance

Leveraging Machine Learning to Facilitate Individual Case Causality Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions

Black Swan Events and Intelligent Automation for Routine Safety Surveillance

Validation of Artificial Intelligence to Support the Automatic Coding of Patient Adverse Drug Reaction Reports, Using Nationwide Pharmacovigilance Data

Industry Perspective on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Pharmacovigilance

Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance: An Introduction to Terms, Concepts, Applications, and Limitations

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Safe Medicines

Intoxicación no intencionada por anticatarrales: medicamentos poco útiles y potencialmente tóxicos

Assessing the Roles of Molecular Markers of Antimalarial Drug Resistance and the Host Pharmacogenetics in Drug-Resistant Malaria

Identifying and Mitigating Potential Biases in Predicting Drug Approvals

Common prostate cancer medications may be less safe than previously thought

Development of human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatic organoids as an alternative model for drug safety assessment

Un informe insiste en la seguridad de las vacunas contra el Covid y aclara por qué se desarrollaron tan rápido

Eventos adversos posteriores a la vacunación contra COVID-19: un estudio de corte transversal

Evaluar la eficacia de los medicamentos y velar por la seguridad del paciente, objetivos prioritarios para la Farmacología Clínica

Stop taking diclofenac without prescription, drug safety board warns

La EMA y la OMS pide apoyar a los profesionales sanitarios para mejorar la confianza en las vacunas Covid-19

FDA works to advance real-world data collection in pregnancy and lactation

Alcaldía de Bogotá busca restringir venta de medicamentos que puedan ser usados para dopar y hurtar ciudadanos

Justice Department Files Complaint And Proposed Consent Decree To Ensure Safety Of Abbott Laboratories’ Infant Formula

Students could be using counterfeit pills that could be lethal for study drugs


Extended-Spectrum ß-Lactamase

Osakidetza distribuirá los medicamentos por tomas individuales a las residencias

FDA Encourages Importation of Safe Infant Formula and Other Flexibilities to Further Increase Availability

'A backward step for patient safety': Medical groups respond to RaDonda Vaught sentencing

Will the FDA change how it vets drugs following the Alzheimer's debacle?

The International Society of Pharmacovigilance Vaccines Special Interest Group: Challenges and Opportunities

El Grupo de Escasez de Medicamentos de la EMA celebra su primera reunión para garantizar respuestas a los problemas relacionados con fármacos

Safety profile of hydroxychloroquine used off-label for the treatment of patients with COVID-19: A descriptive study based on EudraVigilance data

Utilización de antidepresivos y prescripción fuera de ficha técnica en atención primaria en España (2013-2018)

Boletín trimestral sobre Cosméticos, Biocidas AEMPS y Productos de Cuidado Personal (enero – marzo 2022)

Online Pharmacies–A New Prescription for Health in India

Rapid changes in illegally manufactured fentanyl products and prices in the United States

An internet of things-based medication validity monitoring system


La AEMPS actualiza la información a incluir en la aplicación de notificación de comercialización de medicamentos y sobre dispositivos de seguridad

Nuevos informes del PRAN arrojan luz sobre el papel del medioambiente en la resistencia a los antibióticos

Drug-Drug Interactions Prediction Using Fingerprint Only

Risk Factors for the antimicrobial resistome in European livestock: An Updated Analysis of Metagenomic Data

Blood Pressure Increase following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Overview and Meta-Analysis

Tenga Cuidado Cuando Compre Medicamentos en el Extranjero

5 Key Facts About Medication Abortion

Detection of Counterfeit Products using Blockchain

CEVE pide la venta libre de medicamentos en centros sanitarios veterinarios

Seguridad y cuidado del paciente: fuerte llamado a la comunidad para que no adquiera medicamentos fuera de la farmacia

Fighting pharma fraud with hundreds and thousands

Sun Pharma facility dinged with notice of deficiencies after visit from FDA inspectors

Could Obesity Blunt the Response to the COVID Vaccine?

Two Novartis sites stop manufacturing cancer therapies after quality issues

Risk Management Plans: reassessment of safety concerns based on Good Pharmacovigilance Practices Module V (Revision 2)—a company experience

Mitos y tabús sobre dependencia a psicofármacos

Vigilância e controle de medicamentos abaixo do padrão, falsificados e não registrados: revisão integrativa

¿Cuáles son los errores de medicación y cómo se pueden prevenir?

¿La Desinformación y noticias falsas en época de pandemia: las redes sociales nos ayudan?

Patient Safety in Medicine: An Anaesthesiology Case Study

Adverse drug reactions reported to liver injury in China: Database and reporting outlines

Efficacy and safety of drugs used for ‘assisted dying’

Expert network interaction in the European Medicines Agency

Fake News and vaccine hesitancy in the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

Drug-induced tubulointerstitial nephritis: insights from the WHO Safety Database

Consideraciones para realizar mejores prescripciones en el entorno de la medicina familiar

Development of a Chromatgraphic Method to Authenticate Aspirin Brands

Efficacy and safety/tolerability of antipsychotics in the treatment of adult patients with major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Biologics (Secukinumab, Ustekinumab, and Guselkumab) for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis: Real-world Data from a Single Korean Center

Risk of hepatitis B virus reactivation following treatment with abatacept: A retrospective study of international pharmacovigilance databases

Pharmacological treatment of major depressive disorder according to severity in psychiatric inpatients: results from the AMSP pharmacovigilance program from 2001–2017

Fighting the global counterfeit medicines challenge: A consumer-facing communication strategy in the US is an imperative

Uso de fármacos alertantes para la detección de reacciones adversas intrahospitalarias: estudio de farmacovigilancia

Nitrofurantoin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: a safety review

Association Between the Use of Psychotropic Medications and the Risk of COVID-19 Infection Among Long-term Inpatients With Serious Mental Illness in a New York State–wide Psychiatric Hospital System

La dosis de refuerzo de las vacunas es más eficaz si se inyecta en el mismo brazo

International Regulatory Collaboration on the Analysis of Nitrosamines in Metformin-Containing Medicines

Smartphone-based mobile applications for adverse drug reactions reporting: global status and country experience

A randomized trial studying the effects of early-life antibiotics on the developing infant gut microbiota and resistome: results from the ZEBRA study

Antimicrobial use in the pandemic

The co‐occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes between dogs and their owners in families

Extensively drugresistant Shigella in Europe

ICH guideline Q3D (R2) on elemental impurities. Step 5

Risk of Myopericarditis Not Higher After COVID-19 Vaccination

Detection of Falsified Antimalarial Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine and Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine Drugs Using a Low-Cost Handheld Near-Infrared Spectrometer

Potentially Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing for Respiratory Tract Infections in Canadian Primary Care

La seguridad del paciente, una responsabilidad compartida

Pharmacovigilance among patients with multi drug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment-a prospective study

FDA Limits Use of J&J Vaccine, Citing Safety Concerns

¿Cómo deberían responder los médicos al interés de los pacientes sobre suplementos dietético para tratar enfermedades crónicas graves?

The FDA Should Scrap Needless Restrictions on Abortion Pills

A Focus on Abuse/Misuse and Withdrawal Issues with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Analysis of Both the European EMA and the US FAERS. Pharmacovigilance Databases

Las píldoras abortivas son el próximo campo de batalla tras el cambio de juego post-Roe

Adverse events associated with JAK inhibitors in 126,815 reports from the WHO pharmacovigilance database

Officials Warn of Fake Adderall Pills After Two College Students Die

La guía de actuación en medicamentos peligrosos del Sescam incorpora un check list para verificar el cumplimiento de las medidas

Papel del farmacéutico comunitario en el reciclado de inhaladores: estudio AIRE

Proton pump inhibitors therapy and risk of hyperprolactinemia with associated sexual disorders


Efectividad de las intervenciones para reducir los errores de medicación en el ámbito hospitalario

Anvisa recolhe e proíbe comercialização de lote falsificado de medicamento para artrite

Gobierno ejecutará plan integral de lucha contra el contrabando de medicamentos, tras detectar distribuidora ilegal

Autoridades sanitarias fortalecen medidas para garantizar seguridad de medicamentos y vacunas

The latest on pharmaceutical counterfeiting

The 'technological vulnerability' that can lead to medical errors

Using 'counterfactuals' to verify predictions of drug safety

Cómo pueden los pacientes participar en la investigación de nuevos medicamentos

The fentanyl trip: How the drug is coming to America

One pill can kill: Understanding the risks of fentanyl

FDA Issues Final Guidance on Electronic Postmarketing Safety Reports

FDA Warns of Counterfeit Home COVID-19 Test Kits

Así se adaptan los medicamentos a las necesidades del paciente

Dispositions and Causality Assessment in Pharmacovigilance: Proposing the Dx3 Approach for Assessing Causality with Small Data Sets

A smart hospital-driven approach to precision pharmacovigilance

Emerging Antimicrobial Drug Resistance in Africa and Latin America: Search for Reasons

If You Take Dietary Supplements, Make Sure They’re Safe, Study Cautions

Hyper inflammatory syndrome following COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in children: A national post-authorization pharmacovigilance study

This Popular Med Is "The Most Dangerous OTC Drug," According to Doctors