Efectos secundarios de los medicamentos es uno de los aspectos peor evaluado entre pacientes hospitalizados


El ácido fólico en dosis altas durante el embarazo se vincula al riesgo de cáncer en los niños

UK digital health initiatives tackle racial inequality

La seguridad de los medicamentos centrará el IX Seminario de Farmacovigilancia de Córdoba

Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Pharmacovigilance

Improving patient safety through health information technology: focus on drug-drug interactions and drug allergies

La AEMPS informa de un posible problema de seguridad con el método de comunicación de las bombas de insulina MiniMedTM serie 600

Why drugs wey dem make for India dey cause safety concerns


Cough syrup deaths: Why drugs made in India are sparking safety concerns

En Yemen mueren 10 niños por culpa de medicamentos "contaminados"

Aeseg pide “una rápida actuación política” para proteger el acceso a medicamentos frente a la inflación

Counterfeits Threaten Patient Safety

Prediction of Basic Drug Exposure in Milk using a Lactation Model Algorithm integrated within a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model

Are men or women impacted more by adverse reactions to prescription drug treatments?

The Supreme Court Decision on Federal Prescribing Rules for Controlled Substances

Automedicarse, una práctica tan común como peligrosa: "Te la estás jugando, no son caramelos"

Noticias falsas y pseudocientíficas

The Public Health Consequences of Substandard Medicines in Nigeria

What are the considerations for the treatment of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections?

Prior Antibiotic Use Increases Risk of Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Resistant Escherichia coli among Elderly in Primary Care: A Case-Control Study

Points to Consider in the Development and Information Provision of Vaccines for Vaccination during Pregnancy: A Survey

A New Strategy for Drug Delivery is More Preferable into the Drug-Drug Interaction

Is Omalizumab Related to Ear and Labyrinth Disorders? A Disproportionality Analysis Based on a Global Pharmacovigilance Database

Aumenta el número de lotes de medicamento contra cáncer ‘Keytruda’ falsificados

Mueren 69 niños por medicamento indio-estadounidense tóxico en Gambia

Black Triangle Drugs (▼)-An Outline

Molecular Basis of Non‐β‐Lactam Antibiotics Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus

How Real-World Data Supports Pharmaceutical Drug Development

Social Media and Medical Misinformation. Confronting New Variants of an Old Problem

Associations of Neuralgic Amyotrophy with COVID-19 Vaccination: Disproportionality Analysis Using the World Health Organization Pharmacovigilance Database

FEFE mira a Portugal y a la cadena del medicamento para buscar solución a los retos de la farmacia española

National Drug Take Back Day

Study highlights lack of transparency in FDA’s regulatory safety actions

Prevalence and Sources of Duplicate Information in the Electronic Medical Record

Nueva York reparte a bares un medicamento para tratar sobredosis de opiáceos

Drug overdoses in public bathrooms are common: new tools could prevent harm and improve response

Threats to Evidence-Based Care With Teratogenic Medications in States With Abortion Restrictions

Dispelling Fake News and Infodemic Management about COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review

Riegos de interacción farmacológica en procesos anestésicos

Prescribing Cascade—What, When, How and the Ways to Mitigate

Frequency of drug-induced liver injury in children receiving anti-staphylococcal penicillins

Safety of trastuzumab deruxtecan: A meta-analysis and pharmacovigilance study

Sex differences in adverse drug reactions: Are women more impacted?

Network Analysis for Signal Detection in Spontaneous Adverse Event Reporting Database: Application of Network Weighting Normalization to Characterize Cardiovascular Drug Safety

Long-term Antidepressant Use Tied to an Increase in CVD, Mortality Risk

Blockchain Technology - A Algorithm for Drug Serialization

How do safety warnings on medicines affect prescribing?

As India probes cough syrups linked to Gambia deaths, a look at the big problem of spurious drugs

The Overdose Response Strategy: Reducing Drug Overdose Deaths Through Strategic Partnership Between Public Health and Public Safety

Collaborative Partnerships Are Key to Address the Overdose Crisis: Public Health and Public Safety

Radical transparency in post-market oversight of medicine safety

Terlipresina: nuevas recomendaciones de uso en el síndrome hepatorrenal tipo 1 para evitar riesgos graves

Spontaneous reporting of post-market safety signals: what evidence should support regulatory action?

Medicamentos que combinan codeína e ibuprofeno: evitar el uso prolongado y de dosis superiores a las recomendadas

Cofepris alerta por venta ilegal de antivirales contra COVID-19

Dupilumab en niños y adolescentes con dermatitis atópica: serie de casos y revisión de la literatura

Yale researchers urge transparency from FDA's drug safety signals

Brospina: venden medicamento falso que podría intoxicar al paciente

Are Friday Drug Safety Alerts Deadly?

Radical transparency in post-market oversight of medicine safety

“Corre sin resistencias” vuelve a las calles de 9 ciudades para celebrar la Semana Mundial de Concienciación sobre el Uso de los Antimicrobianos

Characterization and corroboration of safety signals identified from the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System, 2008-19: cross sectional study

Medicamentos que combinan codeína e ibuprofeno: evitar el uso prolongado y de dosis superiores a las recomendadas

Optimizing Pediatric Patient Safety in the Emergency Care Setting

Dispensing Sample Medications: Patient Safety Strategies

Terlipresina: nuevas recomendaciones de uso en el síndrome hepatorrenal tipo 1 para evitar riesgos graves

Method Development for the Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography

El programa andaluz para reducir el consumo de tranquilizantes, distinguido como práctica Segura

Less than a third of FDA regulatory actions backed by research or public assessments

Three potential patient safety risks that can be addressed through technology

Errores de medicación ponen en riesgo la seguridad del paciente: Luis Monge, farmacéutico

Cofepris alertó de la falsificación de un analgésico usado para dolores fuertes

Farmacéuticos en Redes Sociales: cómo combatir bulos y desinformación

Estos son los medicamentos que nunca debes combinar

Internet of things in medicine and dentistry

Changing paradigms in detecting rare adverse drug reactions: from disproportionality analysis, old and new, to machine learning


Alertan de un problema de seguridad en unas mascarillas para tratar la apnea del sueño

La Agencia Europea del Medicamento alerta de varias muertes por el uso prolongado de fármacos con ibuprofeno y codeína

Information systems for vaccine safety surveillance

The safety of nutraceuticals monitoring through pharmacovigilance programme of India

Pharmacovigilance and spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting: Challenges and opportunities

Pharmacovigilance: reporting requirements throughout a product's lifecycle

Antibiotic Resistance: A Global Health Crisis

Blockchain technology used in medicine. A brief survey

Sanidad advierte del riesgo de tomar de manera conjunta paracetamol y un tipo de antibiótico

Safety Profile of COVID-19 Vaccination among Adolescents in India-An Initial Experience

El 40% de los pacientes de Sintrom no tiene un nivel óptimo de coagulación

Clausuran boticas por vender medicamentos vencidos en Barrios Altos

Alertan no comprar medicamentos por redes sociales

¿Es seguro el tratamiento de mi mascota?

Risk-Based Post-Marketing Surveillance (RB-PMS2) of Antimalarial and MNCH drugs in Mali (PY2)

Fedifar pide reforzar la seguridad en el suministro en la nueva legislación farmacéutica de la UE

Bar codes could come soon to plug menace of sub-standard drugs

Gilead takes legal action over ‘fake’ versions of HIV drugs

Piracy is an example of an activity of transnational organized crime groups.

Las farmacias avisan de la falsa información sobre medicamentos en Internet y en redes sociales

Fiscalía desmantela red dedicada a falsificación de medicamentos de alto costo

Moderna refused China request to reveal vaccine technology, Financial Times reports

Counterfeit medical products using block chain

The Tragic Case of Poisoning That Finally Got Us Safe Drugs

Venden fármacos en lugares no autorizados y sin registro

Cinco prácticas comunes que podrían atentar contra la seguridad del paciente