Using Machine Learning for Pharmacovigilance: A Systematic Review

New EU rules for safe and high-quality medicines for animals become effective

Musculoskeletal Adverse Events Associated with PCSK9 Inhibitors: Disproportionality Analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis

Evaluation of dermatological adverse drug reactions, at tertiary care hospital

Desinformación y coronavirus: el origen de las fake news en tiempos de pandemia.

La vacuna que el franquismo no quiso distribuir: "No nos la dieron y estamos con parálisis de por vida"

La eficacia de la quimioterapia puede variar según la hora del día

Alerta de Sanidad por la retirada de varios lotes de un medicamento para la tensión

Un programa detecta cambios genéticos que anulan o potencian un fármaco

Parallel trade in medicines - the impact of the Falsified Medicines Directive

La Aemps identifica dos nuevos efectos adversos en las vacunas covid

Sanidad registra un 0,0069% de reacciones adversas tras 80 millones de vacunas administradas

12º Informe de Farmacovigilancia sobre Vacunas COVID-19

Using artificial intelligence to improve reporting of medication errors

MHRA Highlights Risk of Medication Error Associated with Paclitaxel Formulations

Alertan en El Salvador sobre falsificación de este medicamento

Cómo identificar las toxicodermias, reacciones cutáneas a medicamentos y sustancias químicas

La nueva reacción adversa del metamizol, medicamento para tratar la fiebre y el dolor agudo

Systematic analysis of drug-associated myocarditis reported in the World Health Organization pharmacovigilance database

Pandemia, seudociencia y conspiranoicos

Vaccine equity: there is no time to waste

American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) Cautions Against Off-Label Prescribing of Ivermectin for the Prevention or Treatment of COVID-19

An intelligent environment for preventing medication errors in home treatment

Fake News as a Tool to Manipulate the Public With False Information

A Deadly Infodemic: Social Media and the Power of COVID-19 Misinformation

Drug Overdose Mortality Among People Experiencing Homelessness, 2003 to 2018

Proyecto ESVAC-ES: comienza la recogida de datos de antibióticos veterinarios vendidos en 2021

Vaccination as Focus of Science Teaching: Analysis of Anti-Vaccine Fake News and Its Consequence on Scientific Education

La Policía decomisa la mayor partida de psicotrópicos en España: 200.000 pastillas

Circula en México molnupiravir falso contra COVID-19

La EMA halla un nuevo efecto adverso a las vacunas de Astrazeneca y Janssen

Venta ilegal de medicamentos en ferias libres

Law Enforcement Strategies to Disrupt Illicit Drug Markets

Counterfeit consumer goods

The Importance of Direct Patient Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions in the Safety Monitoring Process

Validation and Transparency in AI systems for pharmacovigilance: a case study applied to the medical literature monitoring of adverse events

Comparison of Online Patient Reviews and National Pharmacovigilance Data for Tramadol-Related Adverse Events: Comparative Observational Study

Social Media Analytics for Pharmacovigilance of Antiepileptic Drugs


Social Media for Exploring Adverse Drug Events Associated with Multiple Sclerosis

Social Pharmacology and its impact on clinics

Reasons to counterfeit: Supply, demand and distribution of counterfeit goods

Variedades diatópicas del español y español neutro en traducción farmacéutica: una reflexión académica desde una perspectiva profesional

Adverse events associated with antimicrobial compounds in a general hospital in Chile

A systematic review of drug allergy alert systems

Using Twitter for the identification of COVID-19 vaccine-associated haematological adverse events

Big data, pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance

Dark Web, Its Impact on the Internet and the Society: A Review


Study the roles of health policy makers in drug distribution among pharmacies

Medical and Health-related Misinformation on Social Media: Analysis of the Scientific Literature


Research on Drug Supervision System Based on Fisco Bcos Blockchain

Various approaches to postmarketing drug safety monitoring

Fatal Events Associated with Adverse Drug Reactions in the Korean National Pharmacovigilance Database

Placebo effect unboxed: A Review

Development and Research Progress of Anti-Drug Resistant Bacteria Drugs

Identifying Drug Interaction Effects on Myopathy at the ATC Group Level

Panadol panic buying takes a bizarre turn with Aussies swarming for the popular brand name – but making a critical error when visiting the chemist

ISMP issues warning about possible safety issues with newly authorized antiviral

How Nigeria Is Beating Back Fake Malaria Drugs

Testing substandard and falsified medicines to fight antimicrobial resistance

Benzodiazepines 'a major problem' in illicit drug supply

No, no han muerto 50 niños en Europa ni en Estados Unidos a causa de las vacunas

Seguridad de las vacunas: por qué no debemos bajar la guardia

11º Informe de Farmacovigilancia sobre Vacunas COVID-19

Using AI in a Heavily Regulated Environment: Drug and Vaccine Inspection

Alerta Cofepris sobre falsificación de cinco medicamentos

Pharmacogenomic Testing Improves Psychiatric Drug Selections for Treatment-Intolerant or Treatment-Resistant Patients