WHO reports widespread overuse of antibiotics in patients hospitalized with COVID-19

Knowledge Graphs in Pharmacovigilance: A Step-By-Step Guide

Mortality and years of life lost related to adverse drug events in Brazil

Serious Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Using Diltiazem With Apixaban or Rivaroxaban

Stewardship Prompts to Improve Antibiotic Selection for Pneumonia. The INSPIRE Randomized Clinical Trial

Síndrome de infusión de propofol, serie de casos

TeamSTEPPS improves patient safety

Protected QR Code-based Anti-counterfeit System for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors related hearing impairment: a real world study based on the FDA adverse event reporting system

Circular and sustainable supply chain in the pharmaceutical industry

Safety Profile of the Trastuzumab-Based ADCs: Analysis of Real-World Data Registered in EudraVigilance

Dental Adverse Effects of Anti-CD20 Therapies

Deep Learning for Predictive Toxicology Assessment Early Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions.

Adoption of Blockchain Technology Framework for Addressing Counterfeit Drugs Circulation

Lower dose of mpox vaccine is safe and generates six-week antibody response equivalent to standard regimen

Improving Patient Safety in Medication Management by Medication Reconciliation and Pharmaceutical Care Process in Post-Liver Transplant Clinic

PA students learn the importance of prescription drug safety

Methylphenidate and Short-Term Cardiovascular Risk

False Health Claims Abound, but Physicians Are Still the Most Trusted Source for Health Information

Is it advantageous to use quality by design (QbD) to develop nanoparticle-based dosage forms for parenteral drug administration?

Antiviral influenza treatments and hemorrhage‐related adverse events in the United States Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database

A multicenter, open-label long-term safety study of rimegepant for the acute treatment of migraine

Cholestatic liver injury secondary to over-the-counter cyproheptadine: case report and review of literature

Key sociological concepts for medicine: risk, medicine and pandemics

Role of therapeutic drug monitoring in the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis

Africa Journal For Law & Development Research (AJFLDR)

Pharmacy under fire: managing medicines in war zones

MinSalud recibe histórica decisión sobre medicamentos para la protección de la vida de personas con VIH

INVIMA actualiza reglamento y periodicidad de reportes de eventos adversos

Confidentiality arrangement between the EU and the Republic of Korea

A real-world pharmacovigilance study of amivantamab-related cardiovascular adverse events based on the FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS) database

La distribución farmacéutica, una garantía de equidad, calidad y seguridad para el sistema sanitario


Reducir muertes por errores en administración de medicamentos, una apuesta de la industria farmacéutica en Colombia

La Agencia Española del Medicamento detecta que el Ozempic se está vendiendo sin receta en las farmacias

Adherence to Covid-19 vaccination during the pandemic: the influence of fake news

Postmarket safety communications on drugs approved in Japan: A 25-year analysis

What You Really Need to Know About Antidepressants

Are Weight Loss Drugs Safe During Pregnancy?

Los gemelos digitales permitirán el desarrollo de fármacos más personalizados y eficaces

Real-World Safety Profile of Biologic Drugs for Severe Uncontrolled Asthma: A Descriptive Analysis from the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Database

Anti-Corruption Efforts in the Healthcare Sector During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia

Evaluation of anti-seizure medications and their serum concentration with regard to cardiovascular risk parameters: A cross-sectional study

Influence of pharmacogenomic polymorphisms on allopurinol-induced cutaneous adverse drug reactions in Thai patients

Drug Shortages Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Proven Model to Combat U.S. Drug Shortages


Bleeding in patients on concurrent treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) compared with ASA alone: a pharmacovigilance study

Desmantelaron organización que vendía medicamentos falsificados en Bogotá: utilizaban droguerías reales para distribuir las drogas

La Agencia del Medicamento alerta contra la venta del Ozempic sin receta médica en algunas farmacias

Awareness Level of Health Risks Associated with Obtaining Health Information and Products from Mobile Drug Vendors in Lagos State, Nigeria

34,000 medication errors reported last year despite investments in tech

Active surveillance pharmacovigilance for Clostridioides difficile infection and gastrointestinal bleeding: an analytic framework based on case-control studies

Strategic Alliances in the Development and Execution of Pharmacovigilance Strategy

Embracing a new future-ready pharmacovigilance ecosystem

Europa apuesta por “repetir el éxito” de otras uniones en la nueva Alianza de Medicamentos

Intervenciones farmacéuticas en usuarios de benzodiacepinas durante la pandemia COVID-19

The Overdose Crisis in the 2024 Election—Political Fights and Practical Problems

Vaccine Safety and DMT for Highly Active Multiple Sclerosis: New Data

La Nasa descubre una bacteria mutante, resistente a todos los medicamentos, a bordo de una estación espacial

Lo que tienes que saber sobre que “el 30% de los fallecidos por covid estaban vacunados”

New recommendations to strengthen supply chains of critical medicines

Medicines for Europe lanza su receta para fomentar la equidad farmacéutica en la UE

Prescription for Disaster: How Teens Misuse Medicine

Illegal Web Pharmacies and Social Media Drug Sales Target Teens

Investigating the efficacy and safety of existing drugs in patients with rare immune diseases

Tackling proliferation of fake antimalarial drugs in Nigeria

Federal jury finds California drug supplier guilty of distribution in relation to fatal fentanyl overdose of Fairbanks man

Calibrated prediction of scarce adverse drug reaction labels with conditional neural processes

Efficacy and safety of tislelizumab plus lenvatinib as first-line treatment in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter, single-arm, phase 2 trial

Magic mushrooms can treat medication-resistant depression. Are they safe?

Estos son los efectos de las olas de calor en los medicamentos; así es como afecta

Madrid prepara un sistema de apoyo a la prescripción a través del Módulo único

Substandard and falsified medicines in African pharmaceutical markets: a case study from Ethiopia

The Epidemiology of COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

IFMSA Policy Document Access to Medicines

The Epidemiology of Newly Recognized Causes of Drug-Induced Liver Injury: An Update

Evaluation of Counterfeit Antimalarial Drug Awareness and Knowledge Among Pharmacy Attendants in Nairobi County, Kenya

Factors associated with hematological adverse reactions of drugs authorized via the centralized procedure

The use of artificial intelligence to optimize medication alerts generated by clinical decision support systems: a scoping review

Resisting Inadequate Care is Not Irrational, and Coercive Treatment is Not an Appropriate Response to the Drug Toxicity Crises

Trends in and Risk Factors for Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Patients

Network medicine and artificial intelligence in cancer precision therapy: path to prevent drug-induced toxic side effect

Anesthesia Considerations for Pregnant Patients: Physiological Changes, Drug Transfer, and Safety Implications

Understanding Milk-Drug Interactions: Safety, Controversies, and Precautions

Paediatric medication incident reporting: a multicentre comparison study of medication errors identified at audit, detected by staff and reported to an incident system

“Can I still take that?”: Expert insights on cleaning out your medicine cabinet

Commission seeks feedback on commitments offered by Vifor over possible anticompetitive disparagement of iron medicine

¿Aumenta el Ozempic la fertilidad? Se disparan los embarazos inesperados en mujeres que toman este medicamento para la diabetes

Hundreds of websites are selling fake Ozempic, says company. Doctors say it's only going to get worse

Aspects regarding the pharmacological and toxicological effects of benzodiazepines


Evaluating ChatGPT's efficacy in assessing the safety of non-prescription medications and supplements in patients with kidney disease

Comparative analysis of adverse drug reactions associated with new antiseizure medications from the Korea Adverse Event Reporting System database

Baleares pone en marcha un proyecto de desarrollo del Servicio de Atención Farmacéutica para el seguimiento de crónicos y polimedicados

El coste de una vacuna para la gripe es menor que el de un ingreso por esta enfermedad

Sanidad anuncia la creación de una Guía para la Prescripción de Psicofármacos

ISMP Updates List of Error-Prone Medical Information

Análisis de Reacciones Adversas a Medicamentos por fármacos antipsicóticos en un instituto de salud mexicano

Artificial Inteligence In Drug Discovery And Development

The safety signal detection and analysis of monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 based on real-world evidence–the suitable selectivity for different populations

La escasez de un fármaco para perder peso (y para la diabetes) frustra a los pacientes

El inesperado efecto de los medicamentos para adelgazar en la fertilidad

WHO pharmaceuticals newsletter - No. 2, 2024

La industria farmacéutica se vuelca con el medio ambiente

Venta libre de 22 medicamentos: el gremio salió a defender a las farmacias contra el Gobierno y laboratorios

A simulation-based comparison of drug-drug interaction signal detection methods

Sanidad trabaja con la UE ante la escasez de un medicamento contra el cáncer

Disertan acerca del impacto ambiental de los medicamentos

PPB Enhances Medicine Monitoring To Ensure Consumer Safety

La AEMPS pide a los médicos buscar alternativas ante la escasez de un medicamento contra el cáncer

Un juez paraliza un medicamento genérico que podría ahorrar 400.000 euros al día a la Seguridad Social

COVID-19 vaccine strain updates: Global regulators agree on timing and data requirements

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Use During Pregnancy and Outcomes in Pregnant Individuals and Newborns

Treatment Failure and Long-Term Prescription Risk for Guideline-Recommended Hypnotics in Japan

Adverse Drug Reactions: A Retrospective Analysis from the ADR Monitoring Centre at a Tertiary Care Hospital

Exploring the impact of co-exposure timing on drug-drug interactions in signal detection through spontaneous reporting system databases: a scoping review

Knowledge, attitudes and practice of pharmacovigilance amongst community pharmacists: a case study of Ogun State, Nigeria

Pharmacovigilance: A Necessary Tool for Drug Safety Monitoring Globally

Adverse drug effect in the context of drug shortage: the CIRUPT prospective study from the French pharmacovigilance network


Prevalence of Antimalaria-Drug-Resistant Plasmodium-Falciparum Mutant Genes in Out-Patients from a Malaria Endemic in Western Region, Uganda

Sanidad alerta sobre los problemas de suministro de un medicamento muy utilizado en el tratamiento contra el cáncer

Boletín sobre Medicamentos Veterinarios. Enero-marzo 2024

Fuerte rechazo a la venta libre de medicamentos, y un problema sanitario a largo plazo

Un nuevo proyecto para entregar medicamentos a personas dependientes de la zona rural alavesa

Problemas de suministro en presentaciones de un fármaco para el cáncer de Pfizer, Accord y Hikma

Extension Trial Analysis Shows Long-Term Safety, Efficacy of Atogepant in Patients With Migraines

Anti–Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy and Risk of Kidney Function Decline and Mortality in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Recording of suspected adverse drug reaction reporting in veterinary free-text clinical narratives

We Have Tick Medications for Dogs. Why Not for People?

Patterns and trends of medicinal poisoning substances: a population-based cohort study of injuries in 0–11 year old children from 1998–2018

Thirst and drugs: A study in the World Health Organization's pharmacovigilance database

EAEU adopted uniform Rules for pharmaceutical inspections of pharmacovigilance systems of medicine manufacturers

Reshoring the UK pharmaceutical supply chain for future resilience

Counterfeit Version of Botox Found in Multiple States

More than 250 websites selling fake weight-loss drugs reported by anti-counterfeit firm

Boletín sobre Seguridad de Medicamentos de Uso Humano. Enero de 2024

What Not to Prescribe to Older Adults and What to Use Instead

Meta-Analysis: Cardiovascular Risks Rose After Stopping Aspirin

Reports of Possibly Counterfeit Botulinum Toxin Prompt Call for Increased Oversight

Serious Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Using Diltiazem With Apixaban or Rivaroxaban

Is Europe on the Brink of an Opioid Crisis?

The Future of AI in Public Health: UnlockingOpportunities and Addressing Challenges


Comparative safety profile of bivalent and original COVID-19 mRNA vaccines regarding myocarditis/pericarditis: A pharmacovigilance study

Exploring the Safety, Efficacy, and Bioactivity of Herbal Medicines: Bridging Traditional Wisdom and Modern Science in Healthcare

¿Cómo almacenar correctamente los medicamentos para garantizar su seguridad y efectividad?

ANII y BID lanzaron plataforma con información de medicamentos accesible para personas con problemas de visión

'Difficult Patient': Stigmatizing Words and Medical Error

WHO Warns of Falsified Cough Syrup Ingredients Seized in Pakistan

Abierto el plazo de inscripción de las XIII Jornadas de Farmacovigilancia de la AEMPS

Corruption: possibly the biggest threat to health care

Advancing medicine requires more secure supply chains

Evalúan en España la seguridad del uso del omeprazol a largo plazo en perros

La importancia de la dosificación precisa en medicamentos: Prevención de errores de dosificación

Medical Product Alert N°1/2024: Falsified (contaminated) USP/EP PROPYLENE GLYCOL

Patients Are Turning to TikTok for Health Information—Here’s What Clinicians Need to Know

FDA Warns Consumers Against Using Some Topical Analgesics

Benzoyl Peroxide in Acne Products: Debates, Uncertainty Over Safety

Illicit Promotion on Twitter

Protected QR Code-based Anti-counterfeit System for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Eficacia y seguridad del uso extendido de anticonceptivos orales combinados

Fair Balance of Prescription Drug Information on Legitimate and Illegitimate Online Pharmacy Websites

The Review on Pharmaceuticals Products Distribution

Landscape review of active vaccine safety surveillance activities for COVID-19 vaccines globally

Novel opportunities for clinical pharmacy research: development of a machine learning model to identify medication related causes of delirium in different patient groups

Exploring Adverse Drug Reactions in Psychotropic Medications: A Retrospective Analysis of Portuguese Pharmacovigilance Data

Comunicado de farmacéuticos y bioquímicos: "el gobierno le deja servido los medicamentos a las farmacias"

Advierten sobre los riesgos de la venta libre de medicamentos: "Es un gran error"

De medicamentos recetados a venta libre: error del gobierno o acuerdo con los laboratorios

COVID-19 Vaccines and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: The Impact of Media Attention on Reporting to EudraVigilance

Evaluation of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation at county hospitals in China: A multicentre, open-label, assessor-blinded, nonrandomised controlled study

La EMA no ve relación entre los nuevos fármacos para la diabetes y la obesidad con pensamientos suicidas y autolesivos

Conflictos de intereses en 'la biblia de la psiquiatría': “Los vínculos con las farmacéuticas llevan al sobrediagnóstico”

Progress towards universal health coverage and inequalities in infant mortality: an analysis of 4·1 million births from 60 low-income and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2019

Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in paediatric patients: a review systematic and meta-analysis protocol

Adherence to pharmacological therapy in patients with hypertension: protocol of a qualitative study by focus groups

Industry Payments to US Physicians by Specialty and Product Type

Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy and Children’s Risk of Autism, ADHD, and Intellectual Disability

Trujillo: investigan a médicos por presunto robo de medicamentos

Use of antimicrobials and other medical products in an ethnic minority context of South-Central Vietnam: A qualitative study of vulnerability


COFM y Comunidad de Madrid realizan una recogida ‘histórica’ de medicamentos estupefacientes caducados

Panamá fortalece sistema de farmacovigilancia con su integración a herramientas internacionales

Joan-Ramón Laporte: "Consumimos mil veces más analgésicos que hace veinte años. ¿Acaso sentimos mil veces más dolor?"

Extracting patient-reported outcomes and side effects from online drug reviews for real-world evidence generation

VIGI-4: Development of a Novel Pharmacovigilance Method Using ChatGPT

A real-world pharmacovigilance study of FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS) events for Tivozanib

Cross-reactivity among and between macrolides, lincosamides, and streptogramins: Study on the French pharmacovigilance database

Including Pregnant and Lactating Women in Clinical Research

Los suplementos de vitamina D pueden ser un arma de doble filo

Global vaccine coverage and childhood survival estimates: 1990–2019

Xylazine has infiltrated the UK’s illicit drug market

AI can help to tailor drugs for Africa — but Africans should lead the way

Acne in Pregnancy: What Are the Safest Treatment Options?

Effectiveness and safety of measures to prevent infections and other complications associated with peripheral intravenous catheters: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Why you should not store your medicine in the bathroom medicine cabinet

Methotrexate, Leflunomide Linked to Higher Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients With RA

Anticholinergic Medications in Older Adults and Strategies for Safe Deprescribing

Apremilast Demonstrates Consistent Safety and Efficacy in Children with Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis at 52 Weeks

Researchers identify an economic solution to Canada's opioid crisis

Drug hypersensitivity reactions: review of the state of the science for prediction and diagnosis

Racial differences in cutaneous events among patients receiving enfortumab vedotin

EMA to Review Diabetes and Weight-Loss Drugs for Suicidal Ideation Risk

Aptitud y conocimiento sobre Medicamentos de Venta Libre en Colombia: un análisis de la automedicación responsable

Efficacy and safety of a four-drug, quarter-dose treatment for hypertension: the QUARTET USA randomized trial

Pharmacovigilance Concept Knowledge, Perspectives and Attitudes: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Community Pharmacists

Stopping aspirin one month after coronary stenting procedures significantly reduces bleeding complications in heart attack patients

Meta-Analysis Confirms Similar Safety, Efficacy Between Adalimumab Biosimilars, Humira

Research sheds light on effectiveness of FDA's black box warning for Singulair

A real-world pharmacovigilance analysis of FDA adverse event reporting system database for baloxavir marboxil

“En España tenemos un buen sistema de prestación farmacéutica y no se plantea un modelo distinto al actual”

«A partir de ahora en todas las recetas veterinarias habrá que identificar al animal a tratar»

Distribución farmacéutica de gama completa: eficiencia, equidad y seguridad

Medicamentos con ésteres etílicos de ácidos omega-3 (Omacor® y EFG) en Europa: advertencia del aumento del riesgo de fibrilación auricular dosis-dependiente

Mónica Garcia, sobre el Nolotil: "Tiene efectos secundarios como todos los medicamentos"

Farmacovigilancia activa y comunicación de riesgos en vacunas.

Inicia UAEMéx campaña de acopio de medicamentos caducos 2024

‘Approved by FDA’ now required on animal drug labels

Real-World Data Confirms Safety of Long-Term Cenobamate in Epilepsy

Drug Shortages Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

La AEMPS, sobre el Nolotil: "Es seguro cuando se usa en las condiciones en que se ha autorizado"

Disapplication of Falsified Medicines Directive Safety Features: Requirements for Parallel Imports

Informational continuity of medication management in transitions of care: Qualitative interviews with stakeholders from the HYPERION-TransCare study

Lack of association between COVID-19 vaccines and miscarriage onset using a case-crossover design

Search warrant executed on Sydney residence in relation to substandard compounded semaglutide

Comparative efficacy and safety of various Chinese patent medicines combined with western medicine for adults with insomnia: A Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Drug-GPT, la herramienta que reduce errores en la medicación gracias a la IA

FDA: New Guidance For Non-interventional Studies Of Drug Safety And Effectiveness

Harnessing pharmacovigilance to turn reactive investigation into active discovery

Sefac y el COFM se alían para que los adolescentes mejoren su conocimiento sobre el uso de medicamentos

La Fiscalía de la Audiencia Nacional investiga posibles responsabilidades sanitarias por efectos adversos del Nolotil

Evaluating the Knowledge, Practice, and Regulatory Situation of Veterinary Experts Regarding Counterfeit Veterinary Medications in the Selected Districts of Central Gondar Zone, Ethiopia

Therapeutic Goods Advertising and Compliance Education Plan 2024

La AEMPS y la POP colaborarán en el fomento del uso seguro y racional de los medicamentos

An Assessment of Medication Errors Among Pediatric Patients in Three Hospitals in Freetown Sierra Leone: Findings and Implications for a Low-Income Country

Guardians of Grafts: Reducing Medication Errors in Transplant Recipients

Securing the future: Innovating pharmaceutical supply chain for resilience and safety

Afirman que uno de cada 10 medicamentos que circulan en México es falsificado

Sedatives, steroids, and erectile dysfunction meds among illegal drugs seized by HPRA

Shared digital NHS prescribing record could avoid nearly 1 million annual drug errors

Joan-Ramón Laporte: «Sufrimos una epidemia silenciosa de efectos adversos de los fármacos»

Cofepris alerta sobre adulteración en vitaminas para preconcepción, embarazo y lactancia

ISP advierte sobre los riesgos de desarrollar hipercalcemia al consumir vitamina D sin la supervisión de un médico

Avance del protocolo especial de vigilancia sanitaria y farmacovigilancia por casos de probable bacteriemia en hospital privado

Implement Strategies to Prevent Persistent Medication Errors and Hazards: 2024

Infarma: Los ansiolíticos y los antitusivos son los reyes en el problema de la falsificación de recetas

Los delitos por tráfico ilegal de medicamentos superan los 6.000, más que en todo 2023

Falsificación de medicamentos: devoluciones falsas, juegos de inventario y vaciamientos de tarjetas sanitarias

Estos son los errores en el nuevo decreto de urgencia sobre medicamentos genéricos

Pharmaceutical company fined for falsifying medicine quality data

The weight loss drugs you’re getting may be fake

Disgraced company director convicted of falsifying medicine quality data

WHO Issues New Guidance for Reducing Avoidable Harm from Medicines

La falsificación de medicamentos y dispositivos médicos enciende los focos rojos en México: AmSoc

ACPN Urges FG To Integrate Pharmacy Schools In Fight Against Substandard Medicines

Aumentan los acontecimientos adversos a medicamentos veterinarios en España

Los efectos secundarios de la prednisona, un medicamento para tratar la inflamación

Los 5 errores más comunes que cometemos al tomar omeprazol

La EMA descarta los casos de hemorragia posmenopáusica por la vacuna covid

La base de datos de 22 millones de españoles para investigación farmacoepidemiológica ya forma parte de la red big data de la EMA

Artificial intelligence-powered pharmacovigilance: A review of machine and deep learning in clinical text-based adverse drug event detection for benchmark datasets

Drug Diversion Prevention Beyond Controlled Substance Medications

Drug Diversion Prevention Beyond Controlled Substance Medications

Study finds no safety concerns when the dapivirine vaginal ring is used during the second and third trimesters

Zika vaccine safe, effective when administered during pregnancy

The SBAR tool for communication and patient safety in gynaecology and obstetrics: a Tunisian pilot study

University of Cincinnati study: Liraglutide safe, effective for weight loss in patients with stable bipolar disorder

La dosificación de medicamentos gracias a Farmadosis mejora la atención sanitaria

El 90% de las sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos veterinarios no se notifican

La policía de los medicamentos: así combate España al lastre de los fármacos falsificados

Cae el consumo de medicamentos: ¿la otra epidemia que se viene?

CDC Addresses RSV Vaccine Administration Errors

EU’s counterfeit medicine plague calls for cross-sector innovation to restore public trust

Antibiotic costs rise 1100% as big pharma exits Nigeria

Ship-in-a-Box: Revolutionizing the Capacity of Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies to Combat Maritime Crime

La SEFC denuncia que la Farmacología Clínica está "prácticamente excluida" de las decisiones de fijación de precio

Telemedicine vs Telephone Consultations and Medication Prescribing Errors Among Referring Physicians

A large dataset of annotated incident reports on medication errors

¿Qué ha pasado con Synapse Lab y por qué la EMA recomienda suspender sus fármacos?

La Aemps actualiza los criterios para la autorización de formatos de medicamentos

A survey on perceived medication guide reading and comprehension ease among US adults

Difficulty Administering OTC Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen to Children Can Lead to Dosing Errors

Los 5 tipos de medicamentos más falsificados del mundo

Clinical research is about trial and error

Three New Best Practices in the 2024-2025 Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals

Las 6 P para prevenir la falsificación de medicamentos: ¿cuáles son?

Forensic investigation of falsified antimalarials using isotope ratio mass spectrometry: a pilot investigation

Cómo es el peligroso mercado de medicamentos en Telegram

Repurposed tests can detect falsified vaccines, study finds

FDA Issues FY23 Drug Safety Priorities Report

Colaboración y éxito contra la falsificación de medicamentos

5 Medication Safety Tips for Older Adults

La EMA lanza dos catálogos de fuentes de datos para generar confianza en la investigación basada en RWD

El CGCOF velará porque el RD del cannabis recoja la presencia necesaria del farmacéutico

Finding the right script to reduce medication errors in hospital

Medicamentos, vacunas, insumos médicos chinos ingresarán a Ecuador con 0% de arancel por TLC

El factor étnico, imprescindible para desarrollar medicamentos seguros y eficaces

Francia prohibirá la publicidad de ibuprofeno para dosis de 400 mg

23CNF: la serialización de medicamentos es un éxito tras cinco años de implementación

Consejos para reconocer un medicamento adulterado

¿Cómo identificar un medicamento adulterado o falso?

Farmacovigilancia en Psiquiatría: Monitoreo de Efectos Secundarios y Reacciones Adversas

Las incidencias de suministros de medicamentos crecieron un 30% en 2023

La EMA recuerda el riesgo de combinar Paxlovid con otros inmunosupresores