Systematic review and meta-analysis of medicine use studies in Ethiopia using the WHO patient care indicators with an emphasis on the availability of prescribed medicines

Safety of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in the Elderly: An Analysis of Published Literature and Reports Sent to the Portuguese Pharmacovigilance System

Implementation of virtual clinical pharmacy services by incorporating medical professionals and pharmacy students: A novel patient-oriented system to advance healthcare in India

Direct laser printing of high-resolution physically unclonable anti-counterfeit labels

Pharmacy Student Perceptions and Knowledge of Online Pharmacy Use

Antimicrobial Resistance in Enterobacterales Recovered from Urinary Tract Infections in France

Are Statins Safe in Pregnancy?

YouTube as a source of misinformation on COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic analysis

WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence

Pharmaceutical analysis with portable Spectrometers

Vacunas en el mundo real – qué se sabe hoy de la vacunación

Consumers’ adverse drug event reporting via community pharmacists: three stakeholder perception

Gabapentinoid-induced peripheral edema and acute heart failure: A translational study combining pharmacovigilance data and in vitro animal experiments

The Development of a Pharmacovigilance System in Bahrain

La AEMPS informa sobre el robo de unidades del implante de relleno “Hyamira Forte”

Blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical industry: a systematic review

Statistical Modeling for Quality Risk Assessment of Clinical Trials: Follow-Up at the Era of Remote Auditing

Genetic Therapy and Molecular Targeted Therapy in Oncology: Safety, Pharmacovigilance, and Perspectives for Research and Clinical Practice

Analysis of multiple bacterial species and antibiotic classes reveals large variation in the association between seasonal antibiotic use and resistance

Valproic acid and prolonged QT: highlights from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database

Safety monitoring of molnupiravir for treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 infection in low and middle-income countries using cohort event monitoring: a WHO study

Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the conduct of clinical trials

Enhancing drug–drug interaction prediction by three-way decision and knowledge graph embedding

Assessment of the Quality of Saudi Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) Based on the Accuracy of Physical Description and Frequency of Solid Dosage Forms

Evaluation of quality of life and awareness of adverse drug reaction reporting among patients with dermatological adverse drug reactions

Procedimiento para el análisis y la prevención de errores de medicación usando el enfoque de la ergonomía

Barriers for Implementation of E-pharmacy Policy: Views of Pharmacy Authorities, Public Institutions and Societal Groups

Impact of Drug Pressure versus Limited Access to Drug in Malaria Control: The Dilemma.

A Comparative Safety Analysis of Medicines Based on the UK Pharmacovigilance and General Practice Prescribing Data in England

Investigation of the Quality of the 12 Most-Used Antibiotics Available in Retail Private Pharmacies in Rwanda

A reference set of clinically relevant adverse drug-drug interactions

A Data-Driven Medical Decision Framework for Associating Adverse Drug Events with Drug-Drug Interaction Mechanisms

Evaluation of pharmacovigilance systems for reporting medication errors in Africa and the role of patients using a mixed-methods approach

Stopper fragments in parenteral preparations: a potential problem

Waning of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness: individual and public health risk

Adverse Drug Reactions in an Ophthalmic Set up

Coagulation dysfunction events associated with tigecycline: a real-world study from FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS) database

Dos años de pandemia en Latinoamérica: lo que nunca debió ocurrir

Clarity and applicability of adverse drug reaction-related monitoring instructions in clinical practice guidelines for children and adolescents treated with antipsychotic drugs: a review of six clinical practice guidelines

Estimating naloxone need in the USA across fentanyl, heroin, and prescription opioid epidemics: a modelling study

Opioid overdose crisis: time for a radical rethink


Efectos adversos de las vacunas de ARNm contra el SARS-CoV-2 ¿Qué evidencia existe sobre el riesgo de miocarditis tras la vacuna? ¿Cuál es el riesgo en las personas con diabetes?

Adverse drug reactions reported during pregnancy and associated congenital disorders

The Knowledge, attitude, and practice among Ayurvedic scholars and trainees towards pharmacovigilance: a questionnaire-based survey in Gujarat, India

Información sobre los requisitos para la donación internacional de medicamentos

Publicidad o información al público de medicamentos con toxina botulínica como principio activo

SWP recommendations on the duration of contraception following the end of treatment with a genotoxic drug

Dosis diaria definida de antimicrobianos en la población neonatal

A multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tool for purchasing off-patent oncology medicines in Egypt

Measuring pharmacovigilance knowledge and attitudes among healthcare sciences students: development and validation of a universal questionnaire

A Sex-and Gender-Based Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions: A Scoping Review of Pharmacovigilance Databases

A multicenter analysis of trends in resistance in urinary Enterobacterales isolates from ambulatory patients in the United States: 2011–2020

Hepatic safety of the antifungal triazole agent posaconazole: characterization of adverse event reports in a manufacturer's safety database

High number of illicit medicines detected is ‘very concerning’ – Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) warns

Los pacientes de cáncer denuncian la falta de igualdad en los tratamientos: el código postal influye

The scourge of vaccine falsification

The safe administration of medication within the electromagnetic scenarios of the Internet of Things (IoT): looking towards the future

Automedicación durante la gestación

Más allá del síndrome de intolerancia a múltiples drogas

Drug-induced liver injury with cholestasis in the neurologist and psychiatric practice

Gam-COVID-Vac (Sputnik V) and Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccines Adverse Events following Immunization in Patients Affected by Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis: A Longitudinal Study

Cosméticos Microbiológicamente Seguros

Clinical toxicology of exposures to chemicals from clandestine drug laboratories: a literature review

Falsified and substandard medicines trafficking: A wakeup call for the African continent

Stimulant/Opioid OD Deaths Prompt Calls for New Strategy

Detection and identification of drug traces in latent fingermarks using Raman spectroscopy

Switching to Over-the-Counter Availability of Rescue Inhalers for Asthma

Study Finds Sharp Drop in Opioid Scripts Among Most Specialties

Comparing world-wide, national and independent notifications about adverse drug reactions due to Covid-19 vaccines

National Control Laboratories in quality healthcare-a roadblock for substandard biopharmaceuticals

Risk of Opioid Overdose Associated With Concomitant Use of Oxycodone and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Two Powerful Drugs Now Adding to US Overdose Crisis

Retracted articles in oncology in the last three decades: frequency, reasons, and themes

Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol of randomised trials

Orally Dissolving Buprenorphine Tied to Severe Tooth Decay, FDA Warns

Thromboembolism and Oral Contraceptives During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Disproportionality Analysis Within the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Database

Drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome: a disproportionality analysis from the pharmacovigilance database of the World Health Organization

Challenges of Adopting Blockchain Technology to Pharmaceutical Supply Chain–A Case Study from Sri Lankan Health Sector

Congress Reviews Biden's Proposal to Regulate Fentanyl

Adverse Reactions to Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine: A Prospective Cohort Study Based on an Active Surveillance System

Un estudio apunta al infradiagnóstico de miocarditis por vacunación covid