Efectos secundarios de los medicamentos es uno de los aspectos peor evaluado entre pacientes hospitalizados


El ácido fólico en dosis altas durante el embarazo se vincula al riesgo de cáncer en los niños

UK digital health initiatives tackle racial inequality

La seguridad de los medicamentos centrará el IX Seminario de Farmacovigilancia de Córdoba

Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Pharmacovigilance

Improving patient safety through health information technology: focus on drug-drug interactions and drug allergies

La AEMPS informa de un posible problema de seguridad con el método de comunicación de las bombas de insulina MiniMedTM serie 600

Why drugs wey dem make for India dey cause safety concerns


Cough syrup deaths: Why drugs made in India are sparking safety concerns

En Yemen mueren 10 niños por culpa de medicamentos "contaminados"

Aeseg pide “una rápida actuación política” para proteger el acceso a medicamentos frente a la inflación

Counterfeits Threaten Patient Safety

Prediction of Basic Drug Exposure in Milk using a Lactation Model Algorithm integrated within a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model

Are men or women impacted more by adverse reactions to prescription drug treatments?

The Supreme Court Decision on Federal Prescribing Rules for Controlled Substances

Automedicarse, una práctica tan común como peligrosa: "Te la estás jugando, no son caramelos"

Noticias falsas y pseudocientíficas

The Public Health Consequences of Substandard Medicines in Nigeria

What are the considerations for the treatment of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections?

Prior Antibiotic Use Increases Risk of Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Resistant Escherichia coli among Elderly in Primary Care: A Case-Control Study

Points to Consider in the Development and Information Provision of Vaccines for Vaccination during Pregnancy: A Survey

A New Strategy for Drug Delivery is More Preferable into the Drug-Drug Interaction

Is Omalizumab Related to Ear and Labyrinth Disorders? A Disproportionality Analysis Based on a Global Pharmacovigilance Database

Aumenta el número de lotes de medicamento contra cáncer ‘Keytruda’ falsificados

Mueren 69 niños por medicamento indio-estadounidense tóxico en Gambia

Black Triangle Drugs (▼)-An Outline

Molecular Basis of Non‐β‐Lactam Antibiotics Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus

How Real-World Data Supports Pharmaceutical Drug Development

Social Media and Medical Misinformation. Confronting New Variants of an Old Problem

Associations of Neuralgic Amyotrophy with COVID-19 Vaccination: Disproportionality Analysis Using the World Health Organization Pharmacovigilance Database

FEFE mira a Portugal y a la cadena del medicamento para buscar solución a los retos de la farmacia española

National Drug Take Back Day

Study highlights lack of transparency in FDA’s regulatory safety actions

Prevalence and Sources of Duplicate Information in the Electronic Medical Record

Nueva York reparte a bares un medicamento para tratar sobredosis de opiáceos

Drug overdoses in public bathrooms are common: new tools could prevent harm and improve response

Threats to Evidence-Based Care With Teratogenic Medications in States With Abortion Restrictions

Dispelling Fake News and Infodemic Management about COVID-19 Vaccination: A Literature Review

Riegos de interacción farmacológica en procesos anestésicos

Prescribing Cascade—What, When, How and the Ways to Mitigate

Frequency of drug-induced liver injury in children receiving anti-staphylococcal penicillins

Safety of trastuzumab deruxtecan: A meta-analysis and pharmacovigilance study

Sex differences in adverse drug reactions: Are women more impacted?

Network Analysis for Signal Detection in Spontaneous Adverse Event Reporting Database: Application of Network Weighting Normalization to Characterize Cardiovascular Drug Safety

Long-term Antidepressant Use Tied to an Increase in CVD, Mortality Risk

Blockchain Technology - A Algorithm for Drug Serialization

How do safety warnings on medicines affect prescribing?

As India probes cough syrups linked to Gambia deaths, a look at the big problem of spurious drugs

The Overdose Response Strategy: Reducing Drug Overdose Deaths Through Strategic Partnership Between Public Health and Public Safety

Collaborative Partnerships Are Key to Address the Overdose Crisis: Public Health and Public Safety

Radical transparency in post-market oversight of medicine safety

Terlipresina: nuevas recomendaciones de uso en el síndrome hepatorrenal tipo 1 para evitar riesgos graves

Spontaneous reporting of post-market safety signals: what evidence should support regulatory action?

Medicamentos que combinan codeína e ibuprofeno: evitar el uso prolongado y de dosis superiores a las recomendadas

Cofepris alerta por venta ilegal de antivirales contra COVID-19

Dupilumab en niños y adolescentes con dermatitis atópica: serie de casos y revisión de la literatura

Yale researchers urge transparency from FDA's drug safety signals

Brospina: venden medicamento falso que podría intoxicar al paciente

Are Friday Drug Safety Alerts Deadly?

Radical transparency in post-market oversight of medicine safety

“Corre sin resistencias” vuelve a las calles de 9 ciudades para celebrar la Semana Mundial de Concienciación sobre el Uso de los Antimicrobianos

Characterization and corroboration of safety signals identified from the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System, 2008-19: cross sectional study

Medicamentos que combinan codeína e ibuprofeno: evitar el uso prolongado y de dosis superiores a las recomendadas

Optimizing Pediatric Patient Safety in the Emergency Care Setting

Dispensing Sample Medications: Patient Safety Strategies

Terlipresina: nuevas recomendaciones de uso en el síndrome hepatorrenal tipo 1 para evitar riesgos graves

Method Development for the Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography

El programa andaluz para reducir el consumo de tranquilizantes, distinguido como práctica Segura

Less than a third of FDA regulatory actions backed by research or public assessments

Three potential patient safety risks that can be addressed through technology

Errores de medicación ponen en riesgo la seguridad del paciente: Luis Monge, farmacéutico

Cofepris alertó de la falsificación de un analgésico usado para dolores fuertes

Farmacéuticos en Redes Sociales: cómo combatir bulos y desinformación

Estos son los medicamentos que nunca debes combinar

Internet of things in medicine and dentistry

Changing paradigms in detecting rare adverse drug reactions: from disproportionality analysis, old and new, to machine learning


Alertan de un problema de seguridad en unas mascarillas para tratar la apnea del sueño

La Agencia Europea del Medicamento alerta de varias muertes por el uso prolongado de fármacos con ibuprofeno y codeína

Information systems for vaccine safety surveillance

The safety of nutraceuticals monitoring through pharmacovigilance programme of India

Pharmacovigilance and spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting: Challenges and opportunities

Pharmacovigilance: reporting requirements throughout a product's lifecycle

Antibiotic Resistance: A Global Health Crisis

Blockchain technology used in medicine. A brief survey

Sanidad advierte del riesgo de tomar de manera conjunta paracetamol y un tipo de antibiótico

Safety Profile of COVID-19 Vaccination among Adolescents in India-An Initial Experience

El 40% de los pacientes de Sintrom no tiene un nivel óptimo de coagulación

Clausuran boticas por vender medicamentos vencidos en Barrios Altos

Alertan no comprar medicamentos por redes sociales

¿Es seguro el tratamiento de mi mascota?

Risk-Based Post-Marketing Surveillance (RB-PMS2) of Antimalarial and MNCH drugs in Mali (PY2)

Fedifar pide reforzar la seguridad en el suministro en la nueva legislación farmacéutica de la UE

Bar codes could come soon to plug menace of sub-standard drugs

Gilead takes legal action over ‘fake’ versions of HIV drugs

Piracy is an example of an activity of transnational organized crime groups.

Las farmacias avisan de la falsa información sobre medicamentos en Internet y en redes sociales

Fiscalía desmantela red dedicada a falsificación de medicamentos de alto costo

Moderna refused China request to reveal vaccine technology, Financial Times reports

Counterfeit medical products using block chain

The Tragic Case of Poisoning That Finally Got Us Safe Drugs

Venden fármacos en lugares no autorizados y sin registro

Cinco prácticas comunes que podrían atentar contra la seguridad del paciente

17º Informe de Farmacovigilancia sobre Vacunas COVID-19

Boletín mensual de seguridad de la AEMPS sobre medicamentos de uso humano del mes de julio de 2022

Una de las principales teorías sobre la resistencia a los antibióticos acaba de ser desmontada. Son buenas noticias

La profesión farmacéutica da su apoyo “firme” al proyecto de ley de Farmacia de Madrid

Adverse-Event Reports in Over-the-Counter Topical Acne Drug Products Containing Benzoyl Peroxide from a Specific Pharmaceutical Company in the USA

Drug Recommendation and Tracking using Blockchain and Machine Learning

Sanidad ordena la retirada de lotes de omeprazol por la presencia de "impurezas desconocidas"

'Minipíldoras' sin receta para combatir "las alarmantes cifras de fracaso anticonceptivo" en España

Práctica clínica vs Evidencia científica en paciente hipertenSo que necesita proteccIÓN renal

A Survey of Clustering Methods for Health Care Using Data Mining

Internal Audit Efficiency and Fraud Prevention: Empirical Study of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria

Making medicines trustworthy: pharmaceutical technologies of trust and regulation

Analysis of Blockchain in the Healthcare Sector: Application and Issues

Are All Medical Errors Now Crimes? The Nurse Vaught Verdict

Estudio poblacional evalúa el riesgo de lesión hepática aguda con fármacos reguladores del efecto incretina

Análisis del proceso de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias del Sistema de Protección Financiera Para Diagnósticos y Tratamientos de Alto Costo en Chile (Ley Ricarte Soto)

The value of international pharmacovigilance databases to help contain antibiotic resistance from a 'One Health' perspective

Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) and manufacturing contamination: A retrospective National Register Study into suspected associated adverse drug reactions

Recovery from mRNA COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis

Social Media and Medical Misinformation. Confronting New Variants of an Old Problem

New book recounts the FDA’s ‘unholy birth’

Extent of Filipinos' Awareness in Identifying Counterfeit Medicines: A Quantitative Cross-Sectional Study

Developing practical pharmacovigilance skills at a distance: description and evaluation of UMC's instructor-led online learning

Pharmacovigilance for COVID-19 vaccines: A 1-year experience in France

La píldora de gestágenos, sin receta para despatologizar la anticoncepción

Current Status of Adverse Event Profile of Cyclosporine in Kidney, Stem Cell, and Heart Transplantations Using the Japanese Pharmacovigilance Database

Forsythia's pharmacological evaluation and genetic toxicology

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) as a new special interest group (SIG) at ISoP

Cofepris alertó sobre medicamento a la venta para artritis reumatoide sin registro sanitario

Safety of Apremilast in Patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Findings from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink

Utility and safety of skin tests in drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS): a systematic review

Pharmacovigilance in the European Union

Attitude of Doctors and Nurses towards Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting at a University Teaching Hospital

Lost in Translation: A Multilingual Survey of Interlinguistic Variations in Terms Used in Pharmacovigilance

Uno de cada diez ingresos hospitalarios se debe a un error en la medicación

Responsibility Against the Criminal Acts of Medicine Corruption

Pharmacovigilance and Its Importance for Primary Health Care Professionals

Medicine-Induced Acute Kidney Injury Findings from Spontaneous Reporting Systems, Sequence Symmetry Analysis and a Case–Control Study with a Focus on Medicines Used in Primary Care

Neonatal withdrawal syndrome following in utero exposure to antidepressants: a disproportionality analysis of VigiBase, the WHO spontaneous reporting database

Los próximos pasos de la Unión Europea contra la resistencia a los antibióticos en animales

Mobile apps for quick adverse drug reaction report: a scoping review

Capturas e incautación: así fue el control de medicamentos en Ocaña

Investigation of Atorvastatin interaction with human serum albumin: evaluation of pH effect and competitive binding with warfarin

Drug-related risk of hospital readmission in children with chronic diseases, a systematic review

Pharmacovigilance profile in a reference center in Ecuador: A retrospective study

Cinco momentos clave para la seguridad de la medicación

Actualización de la información sobre prescripción y administración de medicamentos veterinarios con diclofenaco y flunixino

Infografías para educación de pacientes en el uso racional de medicamentos (URM).

Reducing prescribing cascades

Medicina basada en evidencia: antídoto contra la infodemia

Lograr una farmacia más imbricada en el SNS y más digital, propósitos pospandemia

De Dalmases: la pandemia ha sido un "tsunami" y la farmacia puede ser la solución a "muchos retos asistenciales"

Profesionales defienden la farmacia comunitaria como "garantía de accesibilidad, seguridad y eficacia"

Hipersensibilidad a excipientes contenidos en medicamentos y vacunas: revisión de la literatura

Expertos reclaman un Plan Integral de Seguridad del Paciente en el entorno digital

Retos en la seguridad de los medicamentos desde una perspectiva de la calidad de la atención


ArisGlobal to Discuss Intelligent Automation, Data, and Analytics in Pharmacovigilance at World Drug Safety Congress Global Events

Corticoides inhalados para el asma. Sigue la batalla de la talla baja

Día Mundial de la Seguridad del Paciente 2022: Medicación sin daño.

Governor Abbott Designates Mexican Cartels As Terrorist Organizations

El PRAN y la SEFH presentan la Plataforma de monitorización del consumo de antibióticos en España

Panamá plantea una iniciativa contra el precio desmedido y la falta de acceso a los medicamentos

Blockchain Powered Vaccine Efficacy for Pharma Sector

World Patient Safety Day 2022 - Medication safety challenges from a quality-of-care perspective

Why medication safety is a problem and what providers can do about it

New Science Reveals the Best Way to Take a Pill

Medication Errors: Ensuring Patient’s Safety A Collective Responsibility – Federal Govt

Assessment of an Intervention to Reduce Aspirin Prescribing for Patients Receiving Warfarin for Anticoagulation

Calidad y pertinencia de las traducciones de protocolos de ensayo clínico y documentos relacionados según miembros de comités de ética españoles

Statins for Cardiovascular Disease, are they Toxic?

Is regulatory innovation fit for purpose? A case study of adaptive regulation for advanced biotherapeutics

Phoney pharma: the challenges with the fake pharma market

Evaluation of Pharmacy Inquiries in Physician Order Reviews for Medication Safety: A Cross-Sectional Study

The influence of social media affordances on drug dealer posting behavior across multiple social networking sites (SNS)

Feds seize record amount of methamphetamine-laced fake Adderall pills in Rhode Island

Scientists Identify Numerous New Side Effects of Pediatric Drugs

La EMA recuerda que los fundamentos científicos que respaldan la intercambiabilidad de medicamentos biosimilares

La farmacia, la mejor barrera contra los medicamentos falsificados

Combating the Rise in Online Counterfeit Medicines

Alertó Cofepris falsificación de medicamento contra COVID

Technology Is Key To Patient Safety In Modern World

Medicines can heal, but they can also harm

A Recipe for Danger: Social Media Challenges Involving Medicines

Errores en la medicación: pautas y consejos para evitarlos y minimizar los riesgos

Sanidad lanza una campaña para el uso seguro de los medicamentos

Counterfeit Drugs

Barreras que contribuyen a la infranotificación de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos (SRAMs) por personal de salud de hospitales de México.

Florida Jury Convicts Miami Woman of Making False Statement In Connection with Pediatric Asthma Drug Study

LA Dept. of Public Health: Counterfeit Pills Contaminated with Fentanyl Causing Drug Overdoses


Formación en uso adecuado de los medicamentos desde la academia

Quality of Active versus Spontaneous Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions in Pediatric Patients: Relevance for Pharmacovigilance and Knowledge in Pediatric Medical Care

Implementation of a Pharmacovigilance System in a Resources-Limited Country in the Context of COVID-19: Lebanon’s Success Story


What Can Fake News, Politics, and Religion Tell Us About Pseudoscience?

Fraude y manipulaciones científicas


Factors Influencing Preferences and Responses Towards Drug Safety Communications: A Conjoint Experiment Among Hospital-Based Healthcare Professionals in the Netherlands

Emerging resistance of antibiotics among various bacterial infections

Safety of single-dose primaquine as a Plasmodium falciparum gametocytocide: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data

Pediatric Drug Safety Surveillance: A 10-Year Analysis of Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Data in Calabria, Southern Italy

Resistance to fosfomycin is increasing and is significantly associated with extended-spectrum β-lactamase-production in urinary isolates of Escherichia coli

Aumentan un 31% los problemas de suministro de medicamentos

Medication history-wide association studies for pharmacovigilance of pregnant patients

La seguridad del paciente es responsabilidad de todos

OPS insta a mejorar la seguridad en la toma y prescripción de medicamentos para reducir daños en los pacientes

OMS: daños evitables en atención médica se relacionan con la medicación

Principales errores de medicación que cometen los doctores y pacientes

Sanidad recuerda la importancia de fomentar un uso seguro de los medicamentos

Digital biomarkers for post-licensure safety monitoring

La OMS pide a los países que actúen urgentemente para lograr la medicación sin daño

World Patient Safety Day 2022: How To Achieve Medication Safety Goals?

‘Culture change’ required in how nurse drug errors are managed

World Patient Safety Day 2022 –improving medication safety and other safety initiatives

“A problem that nobody sees” how University of Toronto experts are working to prevent inappropriate medication prescribing

Why the Gambia is suspending sales of paracetamol syrups

Farmacología clínica, clave para la seguridad de las terapias

La SEFH lamenta la escasa trazabilidad de los medicamentos

The oral microbiota of wild bears in Sweden reflects the history of antibiotic use by humans

Los errores en la medicación elevan el coste mundial a 42.100 millones



Recomendaciones para el uso racional de anticoagulantes orales directos.

Advanced human liver models for the assessment of drug-induced liver injury

Medicación segura, uno de los retos mundiales para lograr la seguridad de los pacientes

World Patient Safety Day: Ensuring Medicines are Properly Prescribed

The most significant change for Colombian medical trainees going transformative learning on cultural safety: qualitative results from a randomised controlled trial

Expertise for management of immune-related adverse events in cancer therapy: Mapping of French practicing

World Patient Safety Day: WHO says one in 20 patients suffers avoidable medication harm globally

World Patient Safety Day 2022

Pharmaceutical Medical Information requests drive Patient Safety

Investigation of in vitro Biofilm Formation and Its Correlation with Antibiotic Resistance Pattern Among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus: A Cross-sectional Study in Northern Cyprus

Día Mundial de la Seguridad del Paciente: ¿Cómo reportar un evento adverso de un medicamento en Colombia?

The Overview of Oral Solid Dosage Forms and Different Excipients Used for Solid Dosage Formulation

Alerta por presencia de tadalafilo en el complemento alimenticio, KUH NEKT, CÁPSULAS (Ref. ES2022/264.)

World Patient Safety Day

Polifarmacia en medicina. Polifarmacia en ancianos: causas del desarrollo de la enfermedad.

Stakeholders' Perspectives Regarding Supply Chain System of Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines in Pakistan: A Qualitative Study

Las farmacéuticas aumentan un 32% su producción local

Establecimientos de salud cumplen con prácticas seguras en la atención de los pacientes

Los 5 momentos para el uso seguro de los medicamentos

Revisión de la medicación centrada en la persona

Impacto de un modelo de gestión de los medicamentos integrado en el entorno hospitalario

La SEFH presenta un documento sobre trazabilidad y uso seguro del medicamento en hospitales

Counterfeit Medications Are Taking Over the Internet. Here’s How to Spot Them.

Polifarmacia exprés


Viewpoint: The emerging barcode initiative for medicines in India

Detectan nuevos problemas de seguridad en las bombas de infusión de Baxter

Counterfeit HIV Meds Are Endangering Some of America’s Most Vulnerable People

Alarming threat: ‘Probe launched after counterfeit medicines found in Hyderabad, Lahore’

FDA again spells out safety concerns with oral type 1 diabetes drug while denying Lexicon's attempt to overturn a CRL

Fake Anti-Hypertension Drugs: Cuttack Druggists’ Association Cancels Membership Of Two Distributors

Las ciencias farmacéuticas y la gestión de riesgos en el uso de medicamentos, un problema de salud pública

Beware: Patients increasingly purchasing medications via social media

Anti-Counterfeiting Warnings: Do they Influence Consumer Behavior and Perception of Overt Indicators?

¿Salud o negocio? El derecho a los medicamentos

La repercusión de la economía en la salud

Efectos sociales del desabastecimiento de medicinas en el hospital del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social de la ciudad de Portoviejo en el año 2020

Years of Life Lost to Unintentional Drug Overdose Rapidly Rising in the Adolescent Population, 2016–2020

FDA draft guidance aims to improve consistency of labeling for nonprescription drugs

Breast Implants: Reports of Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Various Lymphomas in Capsule Around Implants: FDA Safety Communication

Development and validation of a machine-learning algorithm to predict the relevance of scientific articles within the field of teratology

How will QR code on drug packaging help prevent the sale of spurious drugs

Alerta Cofepris sobre falsificación de medicamento para pacientes con esclerosis

Increasing Adverse Drug Events extraction robustness on social media: case study on negation and speculation

EsSalud brinda recomendaciones para correcto almacenamiento de medicamentos

Hipersensibilidad a vacunas covid o a sus excipientes


Antihipertensivos ¿es mejor administrarlos al acostarse?

Safety surveillance and challenges in accelerated COVID-19 vaccine development

Safety of beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy: a Mendelian randomization study

The potential of a data centred approach & knowledge graph data representation in chemical safety and drug design

Pharmaceutical Feedback Loop–A Concept to Improve Prescription Safety and Data Quality

La prevenció i la informació, elements clau a Catalunya per evitar morts per sobredosi

Herbal medicines pharmacovigilance in Iran

El desabastecimiento de pilocarpina pone en riesgo la detección precoz de la fibrosis quística en recién nacidos

The Dark Web and the future of illicit drug markets

Analysis of Adverse Events and Medical Errors in Long-Term Hormone Treatments for Endometriosis: A Study Based on the US Food and Drug Administration Event Reporting System

Risk assessment and molecular mechanism study of drug-drug interactions between rivaroxaban and tyrosine kinase inhibitors mediated by CYP2J2/3A4 and BCRP/P-gp

Ácido hialurónico: Todo lo que debemos saber para prevenir posibles riesgos

The Harm of Falsifying Medical quotes to Religion and Health: Its History and Scope

Medicamentos falsificados

La segunda vida de la talidomida, un fármaco marcado por la tragedia

Taking a Deeper Dive into ISMP's Perioperative Medication Safety Guidelines

Invima lanza peligrosa alerta por famoso medicamento que se vende ilegal en Colombia

Bayer to Pay $40 Million to Resolve the Alleged Use of Kickbacks and False Statements Relating to Three Drugs

Safety of beta-blocker and calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy: a Mendelian randomization study

Incidencia de eventos adversos a quimioterapia mediante dos métodos de detección: caracterización y costos sanitarios asociados

Polifarmacia en paciente VIH mayor de 50 años

El sodio como excipiente de medicamentos y su potencial relación con la elevación de la presión arterial

Eventos adversos a insulina en ancianos de UCI y prescripción inapropiada de medicamentos

Lo bueno que nos ha traído la COVID-19

Industry urges health ministry to introduce Central portal to store QR codes printed on pack of top 300 brands of drugs

Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Drugs Serialization

Role of QT prolongation in drug discovery and development

PBPK Model Development, Validation, and Application for Prediction of Eliglustat Drug‐Drug Interactions

Calidad de las prescripciones de medicamentos opioides posterior a una intervención educativa en médicos residentes

Pacientes oncológicos llevan más de seis meses en espera medicamentos

Aplicabilidad de la herramienta “Prácticas seguras en pacientes con medicamentos de uso crónico” en el ámbito sociosanitario

Evaluación del perfil de seguridad del medicamento lopinavir/ritonavir (Lpv/r) en los pacientes sospechosos o confirmados por COVID-19

Gilead says counterfeiters sold $250M worth of fake HIV drugs, sues distributors

A review on recent progress in electrochemical detection of antimalarial drugs

New measures to minimise risk of meningioma with medicines containing nomegestrol or chlormadinone

21st ISoP Annual Meeting “A New Era of Pharmacovigilance: Challenges and Opportunities” 20–23 September 2022 Verona, Italy

Prescribing Patterns of Codeine and Alternative Medicines in Children in Europe

Establishing the worth of deprescribing inappropriate medications: are we there yet?

Evolution of antibiotic treatments for healthcare-associated infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in France

Therapeutic Error: Types and Prevention Strategies and Focus about" Look Alike/Sound Alike" and" High Risk" Drugs

No se tolerará corrupción ni robo de medicamentos en ISSSTE, advierte su titular.

“Medicación sin daño”, lema del Día Mundial de la Seguridad del Paciente 2022

Aumentan los problemas de suministro aunque se mantienen los que tienen un impacto mayor sobre los pacientes

Systemic antibiotic sales and WHO recommendations, India

Wilmington Man Who Possessed Fake Oxycodone Pills For Resale Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison

Clinically Significant Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug-Drug Interactions in Children Admitted to Intensive Care Units

Pharmaceutical prescription system based on medication analysis

The Role of Supervisory Agency in the Circulation of Cosmetics With Fake Distribution Permission

Quality assessment of African herbal medicine: A systematic review and the way forward

Análisis de la creencia social de seguridad del grupo de fármacos hipnóticos sedantes y tranquilizantes

One Pill Can Kill

Asia-Pacific Roundup: New Zealand reviews safety of oral anticoagulants

Precision medicine: a phenotypic perspective on drug safety through clinical trials in hospitalized patients

Vinculan el consumo de medicamentos esteroides con cambios en la materia blanca y gris del cerebro

Safety Evaluation of Oral Sirolimus in the Treatment of Childhood Diseases: A Systematic Review

Assessment of knowledge, practices, and barriers to pharmacovigilance among nurses at a teaching hospital, Ghana: a cross‑sectional study

Ponen en circulación guía educativa para la seguridad del paciente

Study attempts to separate falsified from substandard meds

Therapeutic Management of Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver Injury and Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity in the Paediatric Population: A Systematic Review

ISSSTE lanza mensaje a doctores: “No tolerará el robo de medicamentos dentro de hospitales”

Effect of changes in business environments on traded medicinal plants products in Tanzania: An explorative study

Factors Contributing to Best Practices for Patient Involvement in Pharmacovigilance in Europe: A Stakeholder Analysis

The quality of veterinary medicines and their implications for One Health

Global safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines: how pharmacovigilance rose to the challenge

A influência das fake news na adesão à vacinação e no reaparecimento de doenças erradicadas: uma revisão de literatura

Pharmacovigilance of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions

Fake medicines on the rise

Pharma firm owner pleads guilty to fake cough syrup charges


Día Mundial de la Seguridad del Paciente de 2022

Tackling the dangers of counterfeit drugs: A way ahead

Bioética en el uso racional de los medicamentos en Estomatología

Desperate People Are Turning to Illegal Online Pharmacies for Birth Control

A Comparative Study on Blockchain Based COVID-19 Vaccine Traceability System


Ministry of Health warns against fake drug


Study of trends and patterns of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) of Cisplatin in Pulmonary Cancer patients-one year prospective study

Detection tools for prediction and identification of adverse drug reactions in older patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Low Ciprofloxacin Concentrations Select Multidrug-Resistant Mutants Overproducing Efflux Pumps in Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Progress Against Antimicrobial Resistance Has Slipped

Patterns of Presentation of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Nigeria: A Retrospective File Review

Perceptions and barriers of adverse drug reaction reporting within inpatient state psychiatric facilities

Analyses of Ocular Adverse Reactions Associated With Anticancer Drugs Based on the Japanese Pharmacovigilance Database

¿Producto contaminado o bioterrorismo?

Patient safety culture and its determinants among healthcare professionals at a cluster hospital in Malaysia: a cross-sectional study

New European Guidelines ‘Drastically’ Reduce Statin Eligibility

Environment: where does the pharmaceutical industry stand?

Medicamentos falsificados en Colombia: Análisis desde una perspectiva de anticorrupción

Proyecto innovación BPSO®. Procesos de calidad y mejora de seguridad del paciente en la Organización Sanitaria Integrada Donostialdea: proceso de medicación segura

Pricing out Welfare: The Effects of Government Regulations on Pakistan's Pharmaceutical Market

Analysis of a Library of Escherichia coli Transporter Knockout Strains to Identify Transport Pathways of Antibiotics

Preferential eradication of gram-negative bacteria using peptide surrogates: cisions & reflections

Herb-anticancer drug interactions in real life based on VigiBase, the WHO global database

Identifying and managing adverse drug reactions

Cofepris alerta por falsificación de medicamentos para cáncer de mama y diabetes tipo 2


The role of pharmacovigilance in patient safety in the COVID-19 pandemic

Alerta Cofepris por falsificación de tratamiento contra disfunción eréctil; identifícalo así


Cofepris emite alerta sanitaria por falsificación de producto Cialis (tadalafil)

Use of Blockchain in Healthcare: A Systematic

Exploring Strategies to Leveraging the Blockchain in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

2 deaths after Novartis' Zolgensma put gene therapy's liver safety in the spotlight once again

Aplicaciones de la Datificación y Big Data en América Latina entre el 2015 y 2019

Nueva Ley de antibióticos: cómo impactará la norma en la salud y los tratamientos médicos

Popular Diabetes Drug Found to Contain Potential Carcinogen

Cuáles son las perspectivas de los pacientes o consumidores sobre el uso de medicamentos genéricos

When Shopping Online Is Deadly

Inconsistencies between national drug policy and professional beliefs about psychoactive drugs among psychiatrists in the United States

Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution


Polifarmacia: La importancia del uso responsable de medicamentos

Sistema de farmacovigilancia en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile

FDA alerts patients, caregivers, and health care providers of cross-compatibility issues with autoinjector devices that are optional for use with glatiramer acetate injection

Safety and Efficacy of Antiviral Drugs for the Treatment of COVID-19: A Systematic Review

ProbResist: a database for drug-resistant probiotic bacteria

Pharmacovigilance of cutaneous adverse drug reactions in associations with drugs and medical conditions: a retrospective study of hospitalized patients

MedDRA Labeling Groupings to Improve Safety Communication in Product Labels

Patterns and trends of antibacterial treatment in patients with urinary tract infections, 2015–2019: an analysis of health insurance data

Calidad y seguridad de medicinas deben primar con importación paralela

Financial heist from counterfeit drug: A case study from Delhi, India

JMM Profile: Fosfomycin: a potential antibiotic for multi- and extensively resistant bacteria

African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation, others: Opportunities local African pharmas should not let go

The whole experience of public hospital physicians from several specialties with biopharmaceutical effectiveness, safety, adverse drug reactions and interchangeability: A qualitative study

El problema de los medicamentos falsificados en el comercio electrónico colombiano: una aproximación desde el Diseño Legal

Quality of medicines in Sri Lanka: A retrospective review of safety alerts

Towards roadmap to implement blockchain in healthcare systems based on a maturity model

Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude in Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Reporting of Final Year Undergraduate Pharmacy Students

How science is getting closer to a world without animal testing

Comparative study of adverse drug reactions of corticosteroids

“Internet Drugs” Are Deadly Poisons At Cheap Prices

An open-source smartphone app for the quantitative evaluation of thin-layer chromatographic analyses in medicine quality screening

Pharmaceutical Serialization: A Challenge for Small Manufacturers

Healthcare Distribution Alliance-Barcoding Requirement for Serialized Product

Trends and influencing factors of ADRs associated with China's national essential medicines: A time-series analysis based on data from the National ADR Monitoring Network

Risk communication on vaccines during the COVID19 pandemic: is there room for small size or private initiatives? An Israeli experience

Evaluation of Side Effects and Long-Term Protection of a Sustained-Release Injectable Moxidectin Formulation against Dirofilaria immitis Infection in Dogs: An Observational—In Field Multicentric Study

Mobile app to perform anonymized longitudinal studies in the context of COVID-19 adverse drug reaction monitoring, leveraging the citizenship engagement

Acceder a nuevos medicamentos, uno de los mayores retos de la sanidad española

Cell wall deficiency – an alternate bacterial lifestyle?

Wide distribution of Escherichia coli carrying IncF plasmids containing bla NDM-5 and rmtB resistance genes from hospitalized patients in England


El SAS forma a más de 12.000 profesionales en el uso racional del medicamento

En tema de medicamentos, hay que buscar soluciones científicas y no propuestas mal elaboradas

No Evidence Low Serotonin Causes Depression?

FDA de EU dice que ha encontrado posible carcinógeno en algunos medicamentos de Merck para la diabetes

Advierten sobre los efectos de no conservar bien los medicamentos en verano

Simultaneous regression and classification for drug sensitivity prediction using an advanced random forest method

Alon Chen, neurobiólogo israelí: “Los fármacos contra la depresión están dejando de funcionar, necesitamos nuevos tratamientos”

1 in 4 Patients With NSCLC Respond Poorly to COVID-19 Vaccine

Información relevante sobre los medicamentos que contienen noradrenalina (norepinefrina)

El impacto del COVID-19 en el delito farmacéutico

An animal tranquilizer is making street drugs even more dangerous

Pharmacovigilance of Biological Drugs

Identifying, Understanding and Managing Treatment-related Risks of Medicines Prescribed to Children

IoT Based Blockchain Temperature Monitoring and Fake Medicine Prevention

The quality of veterinary medicines and their implications for One Health

Invima alerta por medicamento fraudulento que se estaría comercializando en el país

Investigadores identifican un hongo que desarrolla resistencia a los medicamentos

Social media as a source of drug safety information in the paediatric population

Fake It Til’ You Make it: A History of the Placebo Effect

Their children were killed by drugs found on Snapchat. Their activism could push Congress to act.

El SAS forma a más de 12.000 profesionales en el uso racional del medicamento

Does Chinese Herbal Medicine Really have Hepatotoxicity? An In-Depth Analysis Based on a Large Number of Literatures May Reveal Some of the Truth

Drug Recommendations Based On Aspect Level Reviews Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Development of a Prediction Model for Antibiotic-Resistant Urinary Tract Infections Using Integrated Electronic Health Records from Multiple Clinics in North-Central Florida

'DO NOT USE IT': Hundreds of counterfeit COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test kits found in Ontario and Health Canada is warning residents

Application of DNA barcoding to the entire traditional Chinese medicine industrial chain: A case study of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma

The whole experience of public hospital physicians from several specialties with biopharmaceutical effectiveness, safety, adverse drug reactions and interchangeability: A qualitative study

Drug Interaction Chart: How Different Drug Combinations Work

Safety of Medications Used During Pregnancy

Surveillance for substandard and falsified medicines by local faith-based organizations in 13 low-and middle-income countries using the GPHF Minilab

How to talk risk in a balanced way

Boletín mensual de seguridad de la AEMPS sobre medicamentos de uso humano del mes de julio de 2022

Drug-related toxicity in breast cancer patients: a new path towards tailored treatment?—a narrative review

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination and congenital deficiency of coagulation factors: Is there a correlation?

Short communication: Comments on hair disorders associated with dupilumab based on VigiBase

Infodemic on Social Media and COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

Modeling COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects with a Visualized Knowledge Graph Database


The Production of Drugs Must Correspond to the Intended Purpose

Regulatory safety evaluation of nanomedical products: key issues to refine


Association Between Vaccination and Acute Myocardial Infarction and Ischemic Stroke After COVID-19 Infection

Diverted and Counterfeit Drugs: How the Gray Market Is Threatening Your Brand

Drug side effects across pediatric development stages identified

A Case Report: Levofloxacin Induced Steven Johnson Syndrome

A Study on the Role of Pharmacovigilance and Benefit-Risk Assessment of the drug Tocilizumab used in COVID-19 patients

A disease of the rich and mighty: A misnomer in COVID-19 communication across the media in Nigeria

Pharmacovigilance study of the association between dipeptidyl peptidase–4 inhibitors and angioedema using the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS)


Safety and Adverse Events Among Long-term Care Residents Receiving a Third COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Booster Dose in Quebec

Development of Resistance-Associated Mutations After Sotrovimab Administration in High-risk Individuals Infected With the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant

La AEMPS informa sobre los propelentes utilizados en inhaladores presurizados y cómo reducir su huella de carbono

16º Informe de Farmacovigilancia sobre Vacunas COVID-19

Plataforma de distribuidores irregulares de medicamentos

Cofepris publica lista de distribuidores irregulares de medicamentos

DINAVISA alerta sobre la venta del medicamento falsificado “Omnitrope”

NAFDAC Secures 3 Years Imprisonment Against Falsified Drug Merchant In Kano

A sedative that's only approved for animals may be contributing to rise in overdoses

Court jails man for repackaging paracetamol as chloroquine

Avances en la distribución automatizada de medicamentos

Biosimilars: A global roadmap for policy sustainability

Pharmacy practice in Latin America: a review of published literature, 2017–2021

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pharmacovigilance Strategy, Systems and Processes of Large, Medium, and Small Companies: An Industry Survey

Tratamientos que crean edema periférico, los conocidos y los menos conocidos

Improving Development of Drug Treatments for Pregnant Women and the Fetus

Progress in the treatment of drug-induced liver injury with natural products



Prescription Stimulants in College and Medical Students: A Narrative Review of Misuse, Cognitive Impact, and Adverse Effects

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pharmacy: An Overview of Innovations

Hematological toxicities in PARP inhibitors: A real‐world study using FDA adverse event reporting system (FAERS) database

Fatal adverse drug reactions in children: A descriptive study in the World Health Organization pharmacovigilance database, 2010-2019

Drugs associated with systemic sclerosis: An updated list of suspected drugs using the WHO pharmacovigilance database

Real-World nivolumab dosing patterns and safety outcomes in patients receiving adjuvant therapy for melanoma